6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Creating a Microblading Online Course

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2024

If you're considering creating an online course or have already launched one, you're in for a transformative journey. In this blog post, I'll share my insights and reflections on the six crucial things I wish I knew before diving into the world of online education. I'm Sheila Bella, a passionate entrepreneur who has built two successful beauty businesses, and today, my mission is to help fellow beauty professionals thrive in their careers.

  1. You Don't Have to Be the Best, Just an Expert:

One common misconception that held me back initially was the belief that I had to be the absolute best in my field to create an online course. The truth is, you don't need to be the best; you just need to be an expert in your own process. Your unique experiences and journey can offer valuable insights and save others time, confusion, and frustration. Embrace your expertise and share your process with confidence.

  1. Keep It Simple; You Don't Have to Write a Novel:

Course creation can be overwhelming, with the pressure to provide extensive information. What may seem like common sense to you is often new and valuable information for someone else. Don't overthink it; focus on the fundamentals. Remember, simplicity can be powerful, and your experience, even if you're not exactly where you want to be, can be immensely valuable to someone just starting.

  1. Someone is Listening, Even When It Feels Like No One Is:

Consistency is key when promoting your online course. Even if it seems like no one is paying attention, keep talking about it. Building a following takes time, and your audience may be smaller than you'd like initially. However, those who are listening are potential students. Focus on providing content that addresses their problems and concerns, and you'll build a loyal base of followers.

  1. You Can Do It Yourself; No Need to Hire:

The tech and platforms for creating online courses are more user-friendly than ever. You don't need to hire professionals; you can learn to do it yourself. With just a few hours and a smartphone, you can create a high-quality course. DIY not only saves you money but also allows you to get your course out faster, avoiding unnecessary delays.

  1. Understand Pricing; You Deserve to Get Paid:

Pricing your online course can be a challenge. Understand the cost to the student of not having the solution you offer, factor in your desired income, and consider the market rates. Charge for your course to ensure your students are committed and value the content. Remember, people who don't pay often don't pay attention.

  1. Perfection Isn't a Thing; Just Start:

As artists, we often seek perfection, but when creating an online course, waiting for everything to be perfect can be paralyzing. Focus on providing value and addressing your audience's needs. You will learn and improve as you go. Don't be afraid to start; the impact you make is more important than achieving perfection.


Embarking on the journey of creating an online course can be both exciting and daunting. By understanding these six key lessons, you can navigate the process more confidently and make a meaningful impact on your audience. Remember, the world of online education is vast and growing, and you have a unique contribution to make. Feel the fear, take the plunge, and start sharing your expertise with the world.

YouTube:  6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Creating a Microblading Online Course


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