Ep. 47: The Biggest Branding Mistakes Beauty Entrepreneurs Make


Do you need help with your branding? Are you trying to find your unique design but you keep getting pulled to blush pink?


Trust me, sister, I understand. But blush pink does not a brand make. You know?

It can be hard to figure out what your brand is when you're first starting out? Especially with all of the different examples of beauty brands out there doing the same thing as you? There's so many places for you to look, how do you make yourself stand out? Especially when you're not some kind of branding expert?

Well, that's where we come in. For this episode, I brought in an actual branding expert, Nicole Martinez. Nicole is a well of information. Like, honestly, bottomless, she had so much information to give in this episode it was amazing. It's going to be so beneficial to you guys. Whether you're just starting out as a beauty business, or you're trying to rebrand, or you just want to fine-tune some things, Nicole is your girl 100%.

Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [09:33]  Nicole and I talk about how she would describe her job and how she shows up to serve people.

‣‣  [11:58]  Do you know what is incredibly useful when you're trying to run your own business? Books. Read so many books. Here, Nicole shares her top business books.

‣‣  [13:43]  I ask Nicole to share what she's most proud of in her career. We talk about how helping others reach their business goals brings her joy.

‣‣  [14:51]  Nicole shares what keeps her motivated on tough days.

‣‣  [15:58]  One of Nicole's greatest pet peeves with beauty business pages on Instagram is when they start to come off more as car sales pages. You know what we mean?

‣‣  [20:20]  Nobody likes a copycat. Here, Nicole and I talk about the importance of originality in design and branding. You don't want to be like everybody else, especially if you're trying to sell.

‣‣  [22:07]  How are you going to sell a product or your art if you can't even photograph it well? Let's talk about good photography and consistency.

‣‣  [24:34]  Good branding isn't just slapping a logo on your page and calling it done, I'm sorry. If you want to learn how to go deeper with your branding, listen to this.

‣‣  [31:48]  Who are you selling to? Do you know your ideal client? Do you know them psychologically? It's important. We get into it here.

‣‣  [40:36]  At what point do you think you should start asking for help with things like branding or marketing?

‣‣  [49:15]  I ask Nicole if she can share any free or more affordable resources for branding and marketing.

‣‣  [52:47]  Nicole gives us her advice on how to live a pretty rich life.





I'm so grateful for Nicole and I'm glad she agreed to be on the show! If you want to keep up with her or work with her, you can follow her on Instagram, right here!

You can follow me, Sheila Bella, on Instagram @realsheilabella!


Here are the links that were mentioned in the podcast!

Grow Your Gram

Online Course Workshop




You can enjoy this podcast by downloading a transcript of it here.



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