Ep. 24: Fuzion Artistry CEO Leann La On What Real Support Looks Like Among PMU Artists, Brow Artists, and Microbladers


A lot of people are scared to share their secrets and success with others when they first get into the PMU industry or when they first start to experience the success they dreamed of. It can be hard to break that scarcity mindset that makes you see everyone around you as a direct threat to your business.


I had the same thoughts when I first got into the PMU industry. I know that may seem hard to believe since I am so open and so willing to share now. I want everyone around me to succeed too. I want you to succeed too. And I believe we all can succeed.

For this episode, I brought in my good friend, another true believer in community over competition, Leann La, CEO of Fuzion Artistry, a salon she runs with her family. She's the perfect person to talk about what true support among PMU artists looks like so I'm so excited for you to listen to this episode!



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [01:55]  We start, as usual, with my get-to-know-you questions. We talk about Leann's salon, Fuzion Artistry, working with family, and leaving Corporate America to follow her dreams.

‣‣  [08:55]  I ask Leann how she got into permanent makeup.

‣‣  [11:56]  This episode is all about support systems so I want to know who Leann's core people are.

‣‣  [16:55]  Hard questions! Here I ask Leann what the hardest thing she ever had to overcome was and how she came out better from it. We talk about expanding her business and taking BIG risks!

‣‣  [24:49]  I always stress collaboration over competition but I haven't always had that mindset. Leann, on the other hand, has! So I ask her how she's so supportive of other artists and where that mindset came from.

‣‣  [29:53]  When I first started I was terrified of my competition. I didn't want to share anything, I didn't want to open up, I had a scarcity mindset. I've changed now, but here I want to ask Leann what advice she has for people that are scared to open up.

‣‣  [36:17]  When you make connections, you grow. I swear having friends is good for business.

‣‣  [46:53]  Finally, I ask Leann what advice she would give anyone listening.





Leann has such an honest and open heart, I'm so glad she came on the show for this episode! If you want to keep up with her and her sisters' work, you can follow them on Instagram right here!


You can follow me, Sheila Bella, on Instagram @realsheilabella!


Here are the links that were mentioned in the podcast!

Grow Your Gram

Online Course Workshop




You can enjoy this podcast by downloading a transcript of it here.



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