What's stopping you from building the six-figure beauty business of your dreams?


Seriously - what's stopping you? I know a lot of business owners who stuck their heads in the sand once the pandemic hit last year and refused to come back out. And I understand because it was scary. It was terrifying. Nobody knew what to do. But do you know what a lot of other entrepreneurs did? They pivoted and they made it work.

For this episode of Pretty Rich Podcast, I brought on my friend Monique Garcia of Browstetics to share her story because she built her own sig-figure beauty business all within a MONTH during the pandemic. And one of the really special things about Monique is that she is going to tell you EXACTLY how she did it.

That's right, beauty boss, she's not holding back! She's sharing the exact fool-proof sales funnel she used that made her successful even in a pandemic. So what are you waiting for?



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [03:00]  Monique starts by giving us some of her backstory.

‣‣  [05:10]  I think Monique is amazing because she's not afraid to share exactly what she's done to be successful. She's not holding anything back. So I want to know what inspires her to do that.

‣‣  [07:18]  Here we talk about the importance of realizing that the world is BIG and the opportunities are there for you.

‣‣  [12:32]  Diving into the six-figure formula: Monique covers the basics. The NECESSITIES for building a six-figure business.

‣‣  [15:10]  This is the first thing Monique did to bring in money when her business shut down due to the pandemic.

‣‣  [19:20]  When everyone stopped running ads, Monique ramped hers up.

‣‣  [21:59]  Here Monique shares exactly what kind of ads she was running and how she made them work.

‣‣  [32:12]  Let's talk about the importance of where your ad is directing people - do you use a landing page or a website?

‣‣  [33:39]  Here Monique walks us through a specific ad she ran, what it looked like, and what it led to.

‣‣  [37:44]  How do you follow up an ad?





I loved having Monique on for this episode! She's such a lovely person and is giving a lot of great value for free through her platform! Follow her on IG @browstetics!


You can follow me, Sheila Bella, on Instagram @realsheilabella!


Here are the links that were mentioned in the podcast! 

Pretty Rich Bosses

Join our FREE Facebook Group: Beauty Biz Secrets

Text me! (310) 388-4588




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You can enjoy a transcript of the podcast here.

Sheila Bella:

Welcome to Pretty Rich podcast where you're totally the heroine of your own story. I'm your host, Sheila Bella and I built a seven figure PMU beauty biz and a seven figure online biz without a degree, without a fancy website or a sugar daddy. And if you and I hang out on here long enough, you're going to start to believe that you can do it too. How about that for a side effect of listening to this podcast? Because you really can. I know you think, I don't know you, I've no idea who you are, but I do. I really, really do because I am you. I was you and I believe we are all on the same journey together. My perfect job didn't exist so I created it. The job I wanted wasn't hiring me, wanted nothing to do with me so I skipped the line and hired myself as CEO. Just like you can. Consider me your secret beauty biz BFF, in case you need to be reminded on a weekly basis that power is never just handed to you. You have to take it. Are you ready beauty boss? Let's jump in.


Okay, we are off and we are recording. Guys, I'm so excited today to have Monique Garcia of Browstetics, a Boston microblader and a Clubhouser, epic Clubhouser in my opinion and just an all around super sweet human being. And I'm so excited that she's now part of our community, of our PMU community and she has been for two years. Before we hit record, her and I were just chatting about her journey, how we met and also how today we plan on giving you guys some exact step by step instructions for how you can also build a six figure permanent makeup business. Monique, how we met, I heard you on Clubhouse and I said, "Who is this girl? She is sharp. She's also generous with her knowledge and she knows marketing." I reached out, I stalked you on Instagram. And I said, "Hi, we need a talk. Where did you come from? Were you born out of Grant Cardone's lair or something like that? You're incredible." Okay, so for those people who may not be familiar with who you are, can you give us a little backstory or background and yeah, Monique.

Monique Garcia:

Yes, all right. I'm Monique Garcia. I own Browstetics. We are a permanent makeup studio based in Massachusetts and a little bit of background. I'm from New Jersey. I lived in Miami for six years. I went to University of Miami for school. I had a ton of fun down there and I learned a lot and we're going to get into that. But since then, relocated to Massachusetts and this is where I started my business. I spend a lot of time helping other entrepreneurs build their businesses and that's how I learned so much about marketing. Yeah. And then I decided that, hey, I was done with sort of helping other people get rich and still being broke. And so I decided that it was time for me to build my own business and that's when I found microblading and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do that. That's kind of the background. I was working a 9:00 to 5:00 job and I was able to build my business up to the point where I did quit my job in the middle of a pandemic.

Sheila Bella:

Wow. That's incredible. When we were chatting on Instagram, one of the things that intrigued me about you is number one, how willing you were to share exact step by step secrets that most people would probably not be willing to share. And also your story that you built a six figure permanent makeup business in a month inside a pandemic, inside. Not outside.

Monique Garcia:

In it. Literally inside of it.

Sheila Bella:

Oh my gosh. When the world was shut down. We're going to talk about how you were able to do that in a pandemic, in hopes that obviously clearly it'll work. These strategies and tactics will work even better outside of one, especially for people whose cities are open. And my hope is that people can watch this and be able to apply whatever it is we're going to teach them in their own businesses so we can just all be happy, rich and successful.

Monique Garcia:

Exactly. That's the goal.

Sheila Bella:

Okay, awesome. Before we dive into the strategies, let's talk about why you're not afraid to share, because I think a lot of people are. Why are you giving all this away right now?

Monique Garcia:

Totally. Look, when you are in business, honestly I used to operate out of a place of fear. Kind of a hoarder mentality where you have the secret sauce and you want to keep it. And I think that a lot of people, they give some tips and they give some advice and it's very general, but they don't tell you exactly what they did. They'll tell you, "You have to get people's attention." And you have to do influencers. I think that it's all good information, but it's also general information and exact kind of like, okay, this is a breakdown of what I did. And so I'm not afraid to do it because I no longer operate out of a place of fear or scarcity.

Sheila Bella:

How did you get there?

Monique Garcia:

I just decided that one day I was just like, look, if I'm going to give information, I am either going to operate out of a place of there's two things that you could do. It's either you can give freely or you don't. And to me, energetically, it just didn't feel good to not actually be helping people. To just give kind of general information, but not really helping them. Because I felt like, I don't know, it just gave me kind of a vibe. It didn't resonate with me. I'd rather I want to see people do well.

Sheila Bella:

Make you feel good.

Monique Garcia:

Yes, yes. It didn't give me fulfillment to actually, because to me it's not really helping. Hey, I decided that look, I was just, yeah, my secret sauce it worked and I'm willing to share it. Look, there's how many people in this world? Billions of people, there are enough eyebrows to go around for everybody and we always say this. And I can't do all of them and you can't do all of them and so it's all good. It's all good.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, I hear you. I think that's something that a lot of people and I get this question a lot, well Sheila, well Monique, you guys live in big cities. What about me? I'm in a rural town and there's not a whole lot of us. And also, I just want to say that I can relate to that because it actually prevented me from training, from becoming a trainer earlier because I was afraid. I didn't know how big the world is. I didn't know what I was capable of. That's a big thing. And so, yeah, that was to my detriment because I missed out on that boat. I didn't pursue that. And what I realized or the advice that I give to people who might be in rural towns and I understand you only have one competitor and there's not a lot of people in your town is to truly be an entrepreneur, I think, is to learn how to innovate and learn how to just be of service.

Monique Garcia:

That's it. And you know what? That's it, Sheila. Somebody told me if you want grow, you need to be of service to people or else they're not going to pay you any mind anyway.

Sheila Bella:

We'll run out at some point. At some point a big town, little town, it doesn't matter. You can only prolong the inevitable that yes, the industry might get saturated. You need to learn how to innovate and be of service and create a service that your competitors will pay for. I always say, what is something? That's how I continue to grow. And I continue to expand my brand and my brain honesty and my impact is how can I serve with integrity the people that need me? What can I create? I can create social media services. What are within your gifts? You can create products, you can create additional trainings and you just have to keep doing that. You just can't grow unless you think that way.

Monique Garcia:


Sheila Bella:

And not just think that way, but actually take action on it.

Monique Garcia:

Growth mindset. And it's to know that, like I said, it's a competition.

Sheila Bella:

That's a book on my wall, Mindset by Carolyn Dweck.

Monique Garcia:

About the mindset, totally is.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Okay well, I'm super excited to have you here. And I totally agree when people give like general information. I try to give specific information, but you can only get so far obviously in a live or a podcast. You can't give exact scripts. You can't give exact spreadsheets. And also I think what people pay for is accountability and customization.

Monique Garcia:


Sheila Bella:

That's the stuff that I think no matter how hard you try, you can't give, even in a live Q and A, when you're helping somebody one on one. That's the stuff that's helped me in my business honestly, is paying somebody to keep me accountable and also to guide me regularly. That's helped me too.


I know this episode is just getting to the good part but hold on a second. I wanted to stop and ask you if you ever feel like a brow or lash robot? Are you constantly grinding, but you're never, ever free? You're the slave girl to your own business. Listen, you and I both know that the reason why he got into the beauty business to begin with is so that you can be your own boss. But if you're slaving away as a solopreneur, you're basically a slave to clients. Maybe you know that you need to scale. Maybe you know you need to grow and expand, but you just don't know where to begin. The three things that every business owner needs in order to grow are strategy, systems and support. You can't grow without all three, strategy, systems and support. Enter Pretty Rich Bosses, my one on one coaching program that helps beauty entrepreneurs, just like you scale their businesses.


If you feel like a factory worker, brows, lash, brows, lash, brows, lash. And you know you're just surviving, but not really living, I can help get you there with just a little bit of guidance. We are offering complimentary 60 minute strategy calls. All you need to do is go to sheilabella.com/apply. That's sheilabella.com/apply. Do something the others aren't doing. Invest in yourself, invest in your business. Stop asking for advice from people who haven't done it themselves. Super easy, type in your information and someone from my team will get back to you and set up that free call right away. Mentorship is the closest thing to a shortcut. You can't Google your way to success. You could, but it's going to take a while. Take a leap of faith, go to sheilabella.com/apply.


Okay. Okay. Let's get into it. The formula. The formula for how to create a six figure permanent makeup business.

Monique Garcia:

Okay. I would say first, assuming that the person has all of their media set up, assuming that you have already, you have your portfolio. Because there's no way you're going to build a six figure business in a short period of time, if you don't have that, the basics. You have your social media, you have your portfolio, you've got some reviews going. Your business is off the ground floor. You have a website. Assuming all that stuff is done, because I think that by now we've already gotten that information from a lot of lives.

Sheila Bella:


Monique Garcia:

And a lot of, you have to have the basics.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Assuming that people are consistent with their social media and their photos are up to par and their website is set up to be amazing.

Monique Garcia:

And people know who you are as far as you showing your face and personality. Assuming you've got that down, that's awesome because you probably have some clients flowing through, but you might not be at six figures yet. That's kind of where we're starting.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, for sure. Or some people, depending on where they live might be at six figures, but maybe they don't know how to scale. You're doing well, regardless. You're doing fine.

Monique Garcia:

Exactly. You have some customers, but you really need to hit it. You need some capable planning in here.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, I hear you. Okay. Assuming all that, ladies.

Monique Garcia:

And that's when the pandemic hit for me. I was there where we just described and then the pandemic hit and I just felt so deflated because I'm like, oh my God, I just started to get things going and feeling good and then I just shut down. I panicked at that moment. I think most of the world did.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. That's a good starting place to know that before you are even implemented any of the stuff you're about to teach us, you were in a place where you were consistent on social media, you had pretty good branding, you had your website, you had a basic knowledge of you were pretty consistent. You a basic knowledge of marketing. You had your review sites and Google, blah, blah, blah, blah, set up. Okay, that's a good thing to know that that's where you were starting out because I feel like a lot of people have already done that stuff.

Monique Garcia:

Exactly. Exactly. The pandemic hit and then I was closed. Everybody had to close down. And so I said, I panicked for, I would say a week or two and I really had no idea what I was going to do. And then it clicked that I really, this is how it all started. All right, so I decided that I was going to sell prepaid services at a discount, a small discount to prepay, just to get some money in the door because I'm like, hey, I depend on this money.

Sheila Bella:

Okay. How discounted? Groupon discounted?

Monique Garcia:

No, I think it was 20% off if you prepaid. Which in our industry, 20%, that's a good chunk of money off. It had to be good enough for people to want to give you their money when the economy is shut down.

Sheila Bella:

And they're afraid.

Monique Garcia:

Hey, jobs are up in the air. But they know they want to get their brows done with you because they've been watching you on social media and you just hit them with a killer deal if they prepay and give you this money now. You have to put yourself in their shoes too.

Sheila Bella:

When you did that, did you accumulate a lot of clients and also revenue cause you need it. We all needed it.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah. That worked, it worked like a charm. I put it out there quickly. I moved quickly because I believe in making decisions fast. I don't want to sit and ponder on this while everybody else, so nobody had done this yet. First of all, I was keeping my eye on what are people doing? And I didn't see that anybody did it yet. I said, "Let me do this first." That's what made the decision because I didn't want every fricking brow or lash artist to start doing this before me because then it's just one of the many.

Sheila Bella:

Right especially in a big city, like yours, for sure.

Monique Garcia:

Exactly. I said, "Okay, let me do this first." Right away, I did that first and then I got an influx of money, of cash from that. And then it calmed my nerves a little bit. Because I said, "Okay, now I can like breathe and think about what I'm going to do going forward." I believe in, yes, take a moment to take in whatever is happening and then make a decision on what you're going to do and execute on it. That's what happened with that. After that, I have some notes here that I'm going to be sharing with you all because we're going to get into the nitty gritty here. I sold the prepaid services at a discounted rate, it worked out really well. And then after that, it kind of...

Sheila Bella:

Slowed down.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah, slowed down. It slowed down. You have no way of making money because we're a service based business and we have nothing.

Sheila Bella:

One sec though. Just for anyone listening to this on Facebook. I want to know if anybody else tried this tactic. If you tried this tactic, just type a one. I've heard a few people try this, but not everybody. If you guys, when the pandemic hit, did you sell prepaid services? If you did, type a one in the comments. All right, go ahead. Continue.

Monique Garcia:

Okay. Yeah, sold the prepaid gift cards, all right. We're moving on from that. And I had some cash in my bank account and I'm thinking, okay, what am I going to do to make this account grow right now? Because I can't make money. And I don't know about you, but when there's no money coming in, that's not a good feeling. That's the worst feeling. Never want to feel that ever. You just don't. From there, I decided to everybody was slowing down. I felt like it was time to ramp up the marketing. Everybody was closing and they stopped running ads.

Sheila Bella:

They did.

Monique Garcia:

They stopped running ads.

Sheila Bella:

They did. Because they're like, what's the point? Everybody's hoarding. They're like, stop the bleeding, stop the bleeding. It's just money going out. Understandable. Absolutely. If you also stopped running ads, type of two in the comments. Go ahead.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah. Look, everybody stopped running their ads. I said, "Look, while everybody's not running their ads, I'm going to turn mine up. I'm going to turn my ads up because there's not a lot of competition out there right now with it."

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. There's no traffic.

Monique Garcia:

No traffic.

Sheila Bella:

Visibility is cheap.

Monique Garcia:

It is. I knew that it was going to be cheaper to get the ads. And I knew people were sitting at home, working from home on Facebook and Instagram. People were basically on Facebook and Instagram because they were shut down from work. All of that went up. I said, "Look, I need to get my ads in front of all these people right now because they're bored at home doing nothing." There's nowhere to go. There's nothing to do. Every club is closed. Every restaurant is closed. Every bar is closed. Tell me that social media wasn't on fire, Sheila, during that time.

Sheila Bella:

Oh yeah. Right? That's how we got some socialization of some sort. It was on fire. I felt it too.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah. Everybody was on there all day, all night.

Sheila Bella:

All day.

Monique Garcia:

There's was lots going on on Instagram. It was just crazy. Everybody was on there so I said, "All right, well, I'm going to ramp my marketing up." That's what I did. I started pre-booking appointments for future dates, even though I didn't know when we were going to reopen and I did have to cancel some, but you know what? I filled my books doing that. And although I did have to move some back week to week, I moved some back because hey, if we weren't open yet, I was waiting for us to open so I could service these people. But you know what? I only had to cancel a small amount of my appointments and I filled my books doing this.

Sheila Bella:

Wow. How far out did you sell prepaid services? A month? Two months?

Monique Garcia:

No, I was booked for three months in the middle of the pandemic.

Sheila Bella:

Three months of here's money right now. Here you go.

Monique Garcia:

Yes, exactly. Exactly. I started to market aggressively because I knew that there were a lot of eyes on social media and I knew that there wasn't a lot of competition because people had stopped because they felt unsure about when they were going to reopen. Which is totally understandable. And I think that if you were in a city that was shut down for an extended period of time, like LA, like you guys.

Sheila Bella:

Like us guys. For sure.

Monique Garcia:

Maybe that wouldn't have worked, maybe that would have caused more chaos. I don't know. But it worked for me here. We reopened and I started to work right away. I was booked out for months.

Sheila Bella:


Monique Garcia:

It worked, but I also want to get into exactly what I did. But what ads did you run? And how did you run it? And how much money did you put into it? All right. People think that Facebook ads are like some mystic land that you need to hire.

Sheila Bella:

Hire someone for. Yeah. I know.

Monique Garcia:

Right. You had to hire a pro or just not doing it.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, we have a Facebook ads course, but it's honestly, anyone can learn it. You just need to actually sit down and learn it. I understand why it's intimidating, but it's for any business owner just needs to take one morning, just one morning, to really buckle down and understand the dang thing and you'll never have to hire anyone ever again.

Monique Garcia:

I agree. I agree. Look, I hired somebody just to see what they knew. And I said, Oh, okay.

Sheila Bella:

Oh yeah. That's great.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. After I had learned a lot about it, I hired somebody and I said, "All right, let's talk. Let's break this down." And I said, "What's the secret?" And they're like, "Well, really there is no secret." And I said, "Okay."

Sheila Bella:

It's just hiring someone to manage it, I guess.

Monique Garcia:

That's it. They do have their things that they do. And I just talked to a Facebook ads expert the other day and she kind of told me a little bit about what she does, so we're going to get into it.

Sheila Bella:


Monique Garcia:

But so I started running the Facebook ads. You have to learn the basics though. You can't just throw up a single ad and just think like, oh yeah, this is it. This is it. This is going to bring the $10,000. It doesn't work that way. With Facebook ads first of all, you need to be able to track what you're doing. Through a pixel and you have to have a pixel on what you're doing and what's your objective? For me, my objective was to get bookings so I basically was tracking and we can get into this, but a pixel is something that you install on your website.

Sheila Bella:


Monique Garcia:

It's a tracker. We're all being tracked on the internet. Yes, we know this. We need to use it to our benefit. So many of us complain about seeing ads for things that we talk about or seeing ads for you search something on Google and then you see an ad for it. That's the way the internet works. It's so funny because I get clients that come in and they say to me, "Oh no, I was talking to somebody about microblading and then your ad popped up." And I'm like, "Oh really?" But anyway.

Sheila Bella:

When you tell your phone, Lexus, Lexus, Lexus, all of a sudden ads of Lexus will [inaudible 00:24:48] and you're like, what?

Monique Garcia:

We want that to be our ad. We want to be popping up for those people who are interested. We have to have a pixel installed on our website. And it's basically a tracking device that Facebook and I think Google, they use it. Somebody was searching for microblading or something like that, then your ad would be fed to this person who is interested in what you have going on. By tracking people who were going to my website and then retargeting them and showing those specific people who I know are interested in what I'm offering, my ad, then I was able to have more conversions. That's first thing, is you need to track what you're doing, because if you are doing a lot of Facebook ads.


At first, you have to kind of do it for the general public. You're going to pick some criteria of people who you want to show your ad to. And then from there, if they click on your ad and go to your website, you want to be able to track that they did that and then reef them your ad again and again and again. Because it takes people how many times to see something before?

Sheila Bella:


Monique Garcia:

Okay, seven times. They need to see your ad seven times before they're going to pull the trigger.

Sheila Bella:

Before they're going to contact you or even just ask.

Monique Garcia:

Exactly, right. And that might be, and you know what? Our industry is so interesting because people will follow you for two years before booking.

Sheila Bella:

I know. Yeah. We get that too. That's so funny. Yeah, there's a lot of silent consumers. And I find myself doing it too. There's certain people I follow and I realize that I've never said anything to them. I've never even left a comment, but I enjoy their content. Maybe I didn't even like. Maybe I don't.

Monique Garcia:

I do that all the time. I'm looking at things all the time and I never. I'm on Instagram, stalking things sometimes and I realize I never engaged with the actual page, but I might become a client one day. And that's the way social media works. Don't think that just because people are not engaging with you, look, they're watching your stories. We see you watching the story. People are watching. They're watching.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. They're engaging.

Monique Garcia:

Look we're all watching. And so anyway, and so getting back to the ads, it's in order for Facebook ads to be successful, in my opinion, it's to feed them to people who are actually interested in what you're doing and what you're offering and the way to do that is with a tracker which can be installed on your website. I started off by something small. You start off by using a small budget of, I don't know, $50 or a $100 to see.

Sheila Bella:

A day or a month?

Monique Garcia:

Well, actually I just actually ran my numbers before getting on this call with you and I see how they started to progress. Literally one month I just started with a 100 bucks a month.

Sheila Bella:


Monique Garcia:

And then from there, I increased it and increased it and increased it because they start to become more effective. Facebook is learning about your business and they're going to start to feed your ads to a more defined audience because they want you to be successful too. Because if you're successful, they make more money.

Sheila Bella:

You'll keep paying. You'll keep paying.

Monique Garcia:

You'll keep paying and you're going to keep growing and you're going to keep paying Facebook. Once they start to learn who your target audience is who's converting, they're going to start to really help you. This is a team effort here. They're not against us. They need us to be successful in order to make money. It started with three, 400, $500 a month, $600 a month. And then you just ramp up until you're spending a couple thousand dollars a month on ads. And you're seeing, a huge return.

Sheila Bella:

Do you know what your cost is per acquisition?

Monique Garcia:

For actual acquisition of a paying customer, I don't know the exact cost because at that time, I actually didn't even, I wasn't advanced enough in the Facebook world, in the Facebook ad world to know. I just knew that my bank account was growing.

Sheila Bella:

That's great. Do you know what it might be now? Do you still run ads now?

Monique Garcia:

I don't run ads anymore.

Sheila Bella:

Ah, you did it. Dude, traffic was so cheap during that time a year ago.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah. It was so cheap.

Sheila Bella:

It was.

Monique Garcia:

But you know what? I don't run ads anymore because now sometimes you get to the point in your business where you don't have to do that anymore because you're booked out. You know what I mean? You start to put your money into other things, but maybe not necessarily acquiring microblading clients because I already have. You get to a point where you're turning people away and you need to hire, you know what I mean? Yeah. It was an investment where I would say, I think they say 10%. If you want to make $10,000 a month, your ad budget needs to be a 1,000. That's a good number. If you want to make 10Gs, put a $1,000 into your ads.

Sheila Bella:

For online programs, what I've found is that it's times four. Let's say you have a program that's a $1,000, it'll be 250 per $1,000 sale. I think that's a good ad. That's a good ad if you 4X your investment for online. For online. Maybe not for services, but I think for online, let's say you want to make a million dollars, you put in 250 grand on ads for the year and yeah, you should make a million dollars. That's a good ad. That's a good ad.

Monique Garcia:

A good ad, a good ad that's targeted to the right audience, that is capturing them, that has a good copy and then a good follow up, a good landing page. We're going to get into that. The elements need to be there and yes, you put 250,000 in then you're going to have a million, but all the elements need to be there.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Agreed.

Monique Garcia:

Okay. That all worked. Another thing that we can get into is, but what happens when you have an ad and you're running the ad to your general website? Those are the kinds of ads that I don't like.

Sheila Bella:

Well, those are the kind of ads don't work as well.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah, they just don't work.

Sheila Bella:

They don't work as well.

Monique Garcia:

You're sending them to your website and they're going to like go all over your website and then they're going to leave.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. I didn't know that this was going to be heavily about Facebook ads. That's great.

Monique Garcia:

It could be about anything you want it to be. I'm just telling you how I did it.

Sheila Bella:

That's great. But that's really awesome because wow. What a good point that, while everybody's sleeping, go out for a run, that's basically what you did, Monique. Everybody was sleeping and you're like, I'm going to go pound some pavement. I'm going out for a run.

Monique Garcia:

That's it. That's it. I didn't have anything else to do. I was at home. What do I do?

Sheila Bella:

That's really great. That's really great. Okay so let's talk about landing pages versus website. What's your opinion on it?

Monique Garcia:

I think that even if you're doing Google ads and I also ran Google ads, Google ads are great. A little bit more, you can get really in depth with any of these things. And you can get really in depth with Google ads and I did. I really did. Look, this was the time to learn and dedicate. You have to learn. Like you said, give one morning to learning this stuff and you're going to start to understand how it all works. That's what I did. I put some time into learning this stuff because I feel like at that time, hey, I had the time on my hands and I wanted to.


I learned about Google ads and I did run some Google ads and I set up a landing page. You don't need to be a super tech person to set up a landing page. You can do this. A good landing page is something that's going to give some information and capture their information. Whenever you're running an ad, of course, we need to capture information and need to get it. How do we get it? And this is what we talked about on Clubhouse that day, Sheila, it was the fact that I had set up a quiz. The quiz was about what techniques suits you? Because everybody was asking that question. And then sometimes people don't book because they don't even know what to book. They're like do I do microblading? Do I book powder brows or do I book a contour brow?

Sheila Bella:

You ran an ad, sorry to interrupt. But just to backtrack, in case people are missing and not following as easily. You ran an ad based on a free quiz that you were offering. That's it. Just a free quiz of what technique suits you best?

Monique Garcia:

I ran the ad to a landing page that had a quiz on there.

Sheila Bella:

That had a quiz on there. Tell us what what that ad looked like? What did the ad look like? Was it a graphic, a video?

Monique Garcia:

The ad, for this one, this was a Google ad for anybody who is searching for microblading or eyebrow tattoos. And then when they get to the page, it shows them images of the different techniques. And now they're like, Oh wow, I didn't know that.

Sheila Bella:

Which one. That's great. But the ad itself, was it just text? Was it a picture of you? Was it a before and after? Was it a graphic, a video?

Monique Garcia:

The add was text. This specific ad was text ad on Google. It wasn't a display ad with pictures in it.

Sheila Bella:

Oh I see. Oh, Google. I see.

Monique Garcia:

Text ad. However, I do think that this could also work with an awesome Facebook ad with some pictures on there of the different techniques.

Sheila Bella:

That's really good.

Monique Garcia:

And say, "Hey, are you interested in microblading?" Or, "Learn which technique is best for you with our free quiz." Something like that.

Sheila Bella:

Oh my gosh. That's freaking brilliant. No wonder you made a six figure PMU business in a month because what usually happens even with us as consumers is that most people will just go to a website and then never do anything. They just never do anything. But if there's a quiz on there that entices you to type in your information. Oh, no wonder you got all these leads.

Monique Garcia:

All the leads.

Sheila Bella:

All the leads.

Monique Garcia:

I love marketing. Oh my God. This is my world.

Sheila Bella:

Is it your jam?

Monique Garcia:

Oh, I love it. I love it. I think that a combination of some good talent and some good marketing, you can go anywhere, especially in the permanent makeup industry.

Sheila Bella:

This is a great funnel. Wow. Thank you so much for sharing it. This is awesome information.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah. I'm sharing the secret sauce.

Sheila Bella:

Wait, wait, wait. Question, where can somebody, I know I answered this before, but where can somebody set up a quiz just like that? Where?

Monique Garcia:

Okay so look, I did mine manual, because I'm kind of a manual person. And I did look into some websites that offer quiz, but they were a little expensive for me and for me, I like to DIY stuff. I did this specific one, I created it myself with Google forms.

Sheila Bella:

Oh wow. Just Google forms, you guys. That's amazing.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah, Google forms. But you did have a suggestion about a website.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. There's a website that's free actually. It's called tryinteract.com, tryinteract.com. Their whole thing is just quizzes. And yeah, you can set up a quiz for anything. What's your brow personality? You know what I mean?

Monique Garcia:

This is it, the quiz.

Sheila Bella:

The quiz, my mother-in-law, I don't know if she's listening. My mother-in-law used to love quizzes on Facebook. One time, oh my gosh, she doesn't know this. My husband and I because this is before I had a business and we had nothing better to do. We created a fake quiz, talked about what dish soap are you? And then my husband posted it. He was like, oh, it looks like, oh, I'm Palmolive, blah, blah, blah. And then she was like, wow, that's really interesting.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah, it's just so interesting. You see people sharing these quizzes all the time on Facebook.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, wow. This is a great funnel, Monique. Great funnel.

Monique Garcia:

Thank you. The quiz thing worked really, really well. I do think that at that time I had the time to follow up with these people manually, but now I would take that quiz information, shoot them the results of their quiz and then put them in a follow up format. Whatever that followup is going to be, maybe it's going to be some text messages or some emails, a series of emails going out to them. I wouldn't get too salesy right away. These people just landed on your page and I don't ever believe in sounding, you don't ever want to sound desperate. You want to sound like you are giving information.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, for sure.

Monique Garcia:

You're just here to get information and be a resource and be an expert. All righty, so what else can we get into? The quiz thing is an awesome lead generator. That really, I still get leads from that.

Sheila Bella:

It's huge. Yeah, I think what we can get into is just the fact that ads themselves won't work. I love that you covered assuming you have your media is great, your branding is good and you're consistent. Assuming you have all that, this will work. Assuming you have all that. And I guess what I can add to that is, I always use the analogy of dating with marketing and sales is that, when you're out there in the dating world, when you're at a club and you see a cute guy, you tap him on the shoulder, that's the ad. That's the Facebook ad, that's the marketing. But then when he turns around, your branding, your social media content, your website, that's your face and your personality. And I love that you mentioned that. And also, I guess for a lot of people, perhaps the frustration maybe that they feel like they are consistent with it and they are running ads, but then maybe they get a bunch of people saying, "Oh, how much?" What was your sales strategy? Now step two, sale.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah, let's talk about that. I ran some Facebook ads with the Messenger thing and then when people started asking how much, I shut that down. I'm like, this is not the ad I want to run. I stopped those ads because as I was getting back into work and everything, like, I didn't have a person to kind of handle that for me. And maybe that's what some of the marketers are doing. They're closing for people. For me, that wasn't something that I wanted to do so I stopped running those. But you know what? Put the information in the ad. People are still going to ask. People still DM us every day and ask how much, even though we have a website. People still say, "How much?" It's like go to my website. But put the information in the ad that you want, your location and your pricing, if you really don't want people asking those questions.


But the follow up process for me was a series of emails. And really, because I was so booked out, I really didn't have to push people that much into booking. At some point you get them into your world, get them into your Instagram, make sure that they're following you on Instagram, share it there, connect with them there and get them into your email funnel. And then it's like, okay, you're emailing them every so often with pictures. And it's like, hey, this is a picture of my, oh, look at the latest transformations we've created at Browstètics. It's not a sale. It's like, look how this woman, we just changed her life. You're sharing stories, Oh, we have a 20% off discount, don't do that. Share stories about how you're changing other people's lives and that's going to start to resonate with people.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Stories do resonate deeper with people more than advertising does because people remember how you make them feel.

Monique Garcia:

Totally. They can see themselves in that person's shoes. When you see a client and they're like, oh my God, look how has she helped that girl. Look at the transformation she did with her. They can see themselves in that person's shoes versus you telling them, book now or whatever.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. I hear you. Thank you so much for being so generous today and for yeah, for sharing all of this stuff. Looking at the comments right now in Beauty Biz Secrets on Facebook, and they're like, oh my gosh, this is such a huge idea. This is amazing. Thank you so much.

Monique Garcia:

Yeah. I'm glad that it could help. I hope that some people take action. We always talk about action steps after. You have to take action. Take the idea and go do it.

Sheila Bella:

Where can we find you, Monique? On Instagram? On Clubhouse? And yeah, somebody is interested in services. How can they work with you?

Monique Garcia:

Yes, you can find me on Instagram @browstetics, kind of a tricky spelling, but brow, B-R-O-W-S-T-E-T-I-C-S. You can find me on Clubhouse, Monique Garcia. We're on there couple times a week.

Sheila Bella:

Yes we are.

Monique Garcia:

Tons of information. If you want to work with me, you can connect with me there. Right now I do train. I train for powder brows. I'm a Beauty Angels master trainer. I'm super, super happy about that venture with Kler Rossenberg, who's amazing. And I'm so happy to be sharing what works for me with others because this industry is something that you can duplicate. And we always say that hey, the formula is out there. Duplicate it and make it work for you.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, make it your own. I love it. Guys, if you're watching this on Facebook live, go ahead and leave some hearts in the comments. We want to know. Don't be a silent consumer. We want to connect you. We want to know if this helped you in any way. We also want to know if you're going to try this and if you need help trying this, you can always reach out to me @realsheilabella or Monique @browstetics on Instagram. All right you guys, thank you. Have a great day.


Hey, thanks so much for listening to today's episode of Pretty Rich Podcast. If you want to continue the conversation longer, check me out on Instagram, it's my favorite place to connect with you guys @realsheilabella. I'm happy to answer any of your questions or simply to chat and get to know you better. And if you end up doing something super awesome, like screenshotting this episode and reposting it on your stories, that would put the biggest smile on my face. Don't forget to tag me. I appreciate every share and love feedback from my listeners. Also, do you have my number? Do you have my number? Because if we're going to keep hanging out, you should probably have my number so you can actually text me. That's right. You can text me at (310) 388-4588.


And if you're sick and tired of doing business alone and you're interested in accelerating your success by hiring a business coach or joining our mentorship program called Pretty Rich Bosses, go ahead and just apply. Why not? Check it out. Go to sheilabella.com/apply And we'll schedule a free strategy session with either myself or one of my advisors.


And of course I got include my kids so here to send us off our Beau and Grey. Grey, say, "Share with your friends."


Share with friends.

Sheila Bella:

Please review my Mommy on iTunes.


Review mama iTunes.

Sheila Bella:

Thanks for listening.


For listening.

Sheila Bella:

Hey Beau, can you tell everybody what our family motto is?


Yeah, I can do hard things.

Sheila Bella:

I can do hard things. Good job, buddy.


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