Ep. 131: A Guide To Hiring An Artist For Your PMU Or Lash Studio What You Need To Know In Order To Scale Your Beauty Business


When change scares you, that is typically a sign of growth.


A lot of beauty business owners will get to the point in their careers where they have all of the clients they wanted, are booked out months in advance the way they wanted, but they're not making the money they wanted. They're stressed out and all signs point to needing to hire more people for their team.

But that's scary, right? Because you're at the point you wanted to reach, you're in a place where you're comfortable, but suddenly there's a change in front of you that's scary. But that fear is typically a sign of growth. And if you want to make more money in your business then you have to grow and if you want to grow you have to do the uncomfortable things. Like I say, you have to do it scared. That's how I did it. 



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [02:05]  This is the problem with being overbooked. It can feel good to say - but it's actually a SIGN...

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