Ep. 119: Sales And Mindset With Natasha Hemmingway To Power Your Microblading, Lash, or PMU Beauty Business


If you don't have a sales process then you're not going to see the growth you want in your business.


That's the simple fact of it.

If you're not implementing a sales process - you're not going to sell to your fullest potential. How are you going to experience growth that way? You know what your dreams are for your business and if you want to reach those dreams then you have to get serious about a sales strategy.

I know that the idea of a sales strategy doesn't seem sexy - but it IS. I love sales, okay? And my buddy, Natasha Hemmingway, also loves sales. Not only does she love sales but she is a sales MASTER. She's so smart and passionate about sales that it's infectious. I'm infected with it! And you know what, if you listen to this podcast episode you will be too. 

I wanted to bring Natasha on the podcast because I believe in her sales philosophy so much. We both see sales as service. We see sales as a way of serving others and helping others. Because that's why we're in business! And it's also why our businesses are successful 😉

We're sharing a lot of juicy material in this episode. I believe just listening to this episode is going to change the way you look at sales and it'll make a massive impact if you implement that mindset in your business. So, like, what are you waiting for?



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [11:47]  Let's jump in here with our rapid-fire get to know you questions.

‣‣  [17:10]  Natasha wasn't always interested in sales. A lot of people aren't. So I want to know what got Natasha into sales - what shifted her mindset into this space of believing that sales can actually be a powerful tool to help people.

‣‣  [25:40]  Natasha dishes out some great advice about believing in your own capabilities, worth, and dreams.

‣‣  [28:18]  What is the mindset that drives Natasha's sales? What are her three pillars of sales success?

‣‣  [33:35]  One of Natasha's mottos (it's literally trademarked) is heart not hustle. I want to dive into what that really means.

‣‣  [46:47]  What does sales look like for those of us in the beauty industry? What is a good sales process for those of us in PMU, makeup, lashes, or esthetics?




You can follow me, Sheila Bella, on Instagram @realsheilabella!


Here are the links that were mentioned in the podcast!


Pretty Rich Bosses

Microblading Sales Script

Text me! (310) 388-4588




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You can enjoy a transcript of the podcast here.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Mindset is just as important as strategy. I can give you the best laid strategy, sales process, all of that, but if you don't have the mindset and you don't believe that you're worthy, that you're valuable to receive money, unlimited money, and abundance, and blessings, that you are worthy of success, that you are capable, and you are able to stand as I say and be able to sell with confidence, ease, and grace, and sell with heart not hustle, then guess what? If you don't believe it, don't expect anybody to buy it from you because they're not going to believe you.


Because guess what? No matter how much you try to hide it, communication and energy are real, and they're two of the most critical pieces to sales success. When you open your mouth and when you show up, your energy comes through in your communication, it will show through. Whatever scarcity you have, whatever lack, whatever mindset issues, whatever money stories, it will literally come all the way through what you're saying and your people on the other end of that feel it, see it, they sniff it out, and they're like, "Nah. Not interested."

Sheila Bella:

Ooh girl, did you guys feel that? Did you feel that? That was my guest for today, Natasha Hemmingway, to give you a check-up from the head up. We're going to be chatting all about sales, mindset, and you. The focus today is you here on Pretty Rich Podcast. Let's go. Welcome to Pretty Rich Podcast, where you're totally the heroine of your own story. I'm your host, Sheila Bella and I have built a seven-figure PMU beauty biz, and a seven-figure online biz without a degree, without a fancy website, or a sugar daddy. If you and I hang out on here long enough, you're going to start to believe that you can do it too.


How about that for a side effect of listening to this podcast? Because you really can. I know you think, I don't know you, I have no idea who you are, but I do. I really, really do because I am you, I was you, and I believe we're all on the same journey together. My perfect job didn't exist, so I created it. The job I wanted wasn't hiring me, wanted nothing to do with me, so I skipped the line and hired myself as CEO just like you can. Consider me your secret beauty biz BFF. In case you need to be reminded on a weekly basis, that power is never just handed to you, you have to take it. Are you ready beauty boss? Let's jump in.


What's up friends. Welcome to Pretty Rich Podcast. It is Tuesday and I hope you guys had a really good Halloween despite all of the COVID restrictions, et cetera, et cetera. I hope it was still a really good time with our family. Oh my gosh, I have a funny mom story to tell my three-year-old stuck his hand inside the jack-o'-lantern, inside the pumpkin, because we were carving pumpkins. He was afraid to stick his hand in there first of all, because it was unknown, and he didn't know what pumpkin seeds and pumpkin mush was going to feel like. Frankly, it's not very nice. It is kind of gross. Sure enough, he stuck his hand in there and he threw up. I kid you not. He was so grossed out by the feeling of the mush and the pumpkin smell that he puked on command. It was hilarious, poor thing.


Guys, if you have any funny Halloween stories about your kids, text me. I want to know, text me. Are we text buddies yet? By the way, text me about anything. I love getting feedback from you guys. If that little clip that I just played in the beginning of Natasha talking about how mindset is everything in sales, if that hit home for you, text me about it, I want to know. My number is (310) 388-4588. That's (310) 388-4588. We got to get on a more intimate platform anyway. DMs, that's for people who aren't really friends, but we're real friends, so yeah you should have my number. Text me, (310) 388-4588. I am loving my text list. I love connecting with you guys on there. It's my second favorite way to connect with you aside from this podcast. Yeah, join the party.


Okay, so my guest today is absolutely bomb. I just had to have her on here. I just had to have her. I listened to her for about 10 seconds on another podcast and I was like, "Oh, okay, we're doing this." I messaged her right away and she responded right away and I'm so grateful. This is the podcast you need. If you're scared of sales, if you're not doing as well in your business as you would like, she's going to break down all of the reasons why. What is the underlying reason. It reminds me of how you guys see me. A lot of women look at my page, listen to this podcast probably, see my success, my lifestyle, my business, and think, "Easy for you, Sheila, because you're just a naturally confident person. I'm just not like you." How many of you think that way? How many of you feel that way? Like, "Easy for you, I'm just not like you. I don't have a theater background. I'm not as outgoing. I'm an introvert. You are an extrovert [inaudible 00:06:09]."


Well, typically the strongest people are those who not just win in front of us, but those who have fought battles we know nothing about, and that's why I try to be transparent about my wins and my failures. My last podcast, the one on Friday, I talk all about my least favorite failure, having to close down a location and expanding too early. I talk all about that. Speaking of mindset, if you knew me 10 years ago, I was broke with a crazy ass victim mentality. I was waiting for somebody to save me. Broke with a victim mentality, waiting for a knight in shining armor, or a Lamborghini, to come in and swoop me up and take me out of my misery. That was the worst combination. I literally thought that my destiny was just to marry rich and that was going to be my way out, was through a man.


I thought that the only way I could create a better life for myself was to meet the man of my dreams, who would take care of me financially for the rest of my life and I would cater to him, and I would clean his house, and I would cook for him, and I would be his doting wife and he would be the center of my world. Guess what? That was my mindset. As I was dating, of course this mindset was transparent. I didn't take myself seriously. I'm sure guys could feel a deep insecurity in me, so I got played a lot because I left them. Like yourself, I just wanted to be happy. I just wanted to belong. I wanted stability. I wanted security, and most of all, I just wanted so badly to be loved. How did I go from broke, insecure, self-sabotaging to a person who is now successful? I built two seven-figure beauty businesses, a global success speaker with a freaking fantastic family and a blessed life. It's not perfect, but it is so blessed. I feel so abundant.


How did I do that? It's very simple. Today, Natasha is going to be talking all about mindset, but where does that mindset come from? Love, self-love and love for others, because I used to be so selfish, so self-centered. I didn't have that heart of service. I didn't love myself so I couldn't really love others. It's love. Love is the mindset. Love is the condition that cancels out fear and fear was the single source that held me back. Every time I feel it creep in now I'm like, "Oh, there it is, that feeling," I recognize it now. I learned to love myself more and I learned how to be okay with failure. The acceptance that mistakes are inevitable for me, but definitely not final. They're inevitable, but not final. It changed everything for me when I realized it was okay to mess up. That messing up was just a part of the process.


That setbacks do not ultimately define me. It's supposed to happen. If you're not making mistakes, you're not deciding on anything. You're not being decisive. You're not trying. But fear is so powerful because it's the root of all of our limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors. When you introduce love and remove fear, you are also destroying the cage you've built for yourself that keeps you from living your best life. That's why this podcast episode is so important. This episode isn't a suggestion, I suggest you take a listen, it's a must. Here she is, Natasha Hemmingway. Natasha Hemmingway everybody. What's up Natasha.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Hi, Sheila Bella. I am so excited to be here. I'm honored to be on this podcast and to serve and pour into your listeners.

Sheila Bella:

Gosh, I just love you so much. I know-

Natasha Hemmingway:

I love you too.

Sheila Bella:

... [crosstalk 00:11:27] is going to be such a good one because even just us chatting for the last, 10, 20 minutes right now, I'm like, "We should be recording." You're a podcast machine. I feel like your whole life is probably one amazing podcast. You're so good.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Thank you. Thank you.

Sheila Bella:

Okay. I like to start out my listeners, my guests, with a little bit of rapid fire real quick, just to warm you up. But you're warm. You've been warm all day long, so I'm just going to get to it. Okay, book that's changed your life.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Ooh, the Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes.

Sheila Bella:

Okay. I don't think [crosstalk 00:12:06]-

Natasha Hemmingway:

So good.

Sheila Bella:

... that one. Okay.

Natasha Hemmingway:

I'll talk to you about it later.

Sheila Bella:

Okay. Let's

Natasha Hemmingway:

[inaudible 00:12:12].

Sheila Bella:

Let's chat later. This is a Tim Ferriss question. I steal it because I love it. If you had a billboard in Times Square that could be up for one day, what would it say?

Natasha Hemmingway:

Ooh. If I had a billboard. Oh man, "Say yes to your goals, dreams, and desires. You're worth it." Just say yes. Over and over and over say yes. Say yes when you don't know, say yes when you're fearful, say yes when you know your heart is called and led to it but it doesn't make sense. Just say yes. That's growth within itself and it's called life. Say yes. Be open. Be willing to say yes.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. I love that. Indecision is what keeps us behind [crosstalk 00:12:56]-

Natasha Hemmingway:

That. Yes.

Sheila Bella:

Just agree. Just say yes. Yes to destiny every opportunity.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yup, and to figure it out along as you go. You're never going to have it figured out anyway. But if you're willing to say yes, every... I talk about this all the time to my clients. Every time you say yes to the unknown, the not [inaudible 00:13:14], whatever, the fear, the... as long as it's in alignment, it already somewhat makes sense that's why it's on your heart. Honor what your heart, and your goals, and your desires, and your values, and your dreams, and your mind is telling you. Honor that and say yes, because all it is is it's just an opportunity to collect data. You're just collecting data. You're collecting data, experiences, and then you get to make a decision from that point. But if you never move, you never get to make a decision and you never get to actually experience something.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. If you're not making mistakes, you're not deciding on anything. That's a good sign. One of my favorite sayings too is, action breeds clarity.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Oh, wow. I love that. It's so true.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, absolutely. It's been true in my life and my success and yeah, I live by it. What are you grateful for right now, Natasha Hemingway?

Natasha Hemmingway:

Gosh. Man, this is a good one. I was just talking about this yesterday. I am grateful for what I get to do and who I get to serve. It doesn't matter how much money I make doing what I've been gifted to do, that I'm called to do, that I'm purposed to do, that I am actually impactful in, I never take that for granted. Every single person that comes in front of me, it's an opportunity that I get to say yes to them and they get to say yes to me when it's a client. I will never forget the days that I cried and prayed for this. The fact that I'm here, that is gratitude. It doesn't matter if it was my first dollar I made that validated, "Oh my gosh, this is it." Be in gratitude for that. I'm grateful for what I get to do and who I get to serve. I take that very, very seriously, and there's no amount of money, clout status, [inaudible 00:15:06], articles and all this stuff that's happening for me. It still does not negate that. That is the root of what I do and why I do it.

Sheila Bella:

Gosh. One thing that I wish for my boys, I have two sons, six and three [crosstalk 00:15:22]-

Natasha Hemmingway:

I have six-year-old boy too.

Sheila Bella:

Oh you do?

Natasha Hemmingway:

I do.

Sheila Bella:

Hashtag boy mom. I just want them to grow up grateful. If there's just one character or attribute that God could say, "Hey Sheila Bella, one thing you want me to lock in for your boys as they grow, what would it be?" And it's gratitude.

Natasha Hemmingway:

That. It changes everything.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, absolutely.

Natasha Hemmingway:

It changes how you see everything. It can shift you from a negative mindset. It can shift you from a bad move. It can shift your perspective to keep going, to have resiliency. It is the root of everything, and that's a matter of the heart too. When you can [inaudible 00:16:04] root in that, game changer.

Sheila Bella:

Love it. Next question, because you are... I mean, you exude positivity and gratitude, but I'm curious what is challenging you. What's challenging you right now?

Natasha Hemmingway:

Right now, scaling my business. It is challenging. Growing and growing quickly, it is such a blessing, but it's also challenging. Because you have to realize, that shift from being entrepreneur or side hustle, whatever you want to call yourself, into CEO, there's a difference. It's a stretching, and the stretching can sometimes feel very challenging. But however, I will take that challenge every day over and over. Because I know if I'm growing and my businesses is scaling, that I have more impact, I have more opportunity. I have the opportunity to give that opportunity to other people to grow within my company, within my business. I would say that would be the biggest thing right now.

Sheila Bella:

Awesome. Thanks for being transparent about that. Yeah, growth is painful for sure.

Natasha Hemmingway:


Sheila Bella:

Okay. What attracted me to you was your energy. When I first heard you on Angie Lee's podcast and then Powerhouse Women Podcast, and your jam is sales and I love sales. I love sales because it doesn't matter who you are, whether you're a Harvard graduate with a stable family life, or you went to a community college, single mom. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, yellow, or green, if you can sell you're always employable, especially now with COVID. I honed in, zeroed in, on my sales process and it is a game changer because selling is influence, selling is psychology, selling is as bare bones as it gets. Why is anyone in business? It's to [crosstalk 00:18:04]-

Natasha Hemmingway:


Sheila Bella:

It's the skill of facilitating transactions, and that is always in demand no matter what, that's why I love sales. What about you? Why sales? Why did you make this your focus?

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yeah. What's so interesting is that, first of all I agree with everything you just said, and it's so necessary for business owners to understand that your sales process, having one in your business is crucial. It is non-negotiable. It is one of the glass balls. We got rubber balls in our business, as a friend of mine says, "The things that you can bounce and it won't break." Your business is not going to shatter from it. But the branding, the marketing, the social media, the email, the copy, the website, all those pretty things. It's great. Don't get me wrong. They're important and they serve a purpose. But glass balls, sales, period. You can't drop it. You can't shatter it, because it is what makes your business an actual valid business. Just want to say that.


Why sales for me? I actually started out of college with a biology degree, but I knew that I didn't want to go work in someone's lab. I'd made a decision, I don't want to be in school more and go to med school, because I thought I was going to be an OB-GYN, like one of my aunts. I was like, "No, don't want to do that. Too much school. I am done." But I'm like, "I can't be in somebody's lab because I love people," so I'm like, "What marries those two?" I moved and shifted into medical device sales because it allowed me to marry the passion of my biology degree, science, understanding things, bringing solutions forward, innovation, all that kind of stuff. Then, it allowed me to be around people and have an impact because I was in the medical industry so I was helping people through their disease state get to a change into an outcome to feel better, to shift their perspective, all these things. Literally was wrapped up in that job.


I started there and I never left. I spent 16 years, two companies, eight years in both companies, very loyal. I went from being sales rep to territory manager, to senior territory manager, all those things. It's just like, it was what I was passionate about because it married my two loves. I'm an Enneagram 2, which is the helper, and I'm a wing 3, which is the achiever. Hello? You're a two?

Sheila Bella:

I'm a three and an eight.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Oh, wow. I'm not surprised. I can see it all over you, all over you. Listen, I'm a two, wing three, but also [crosstalk 00:20:36] one. They're neck and neck, my three and my one. The three, for you all listening, is the achiever or the overachiever and then the one is the perfectionist. When you think about the helper or the achiever, sales, and being medical device sales where I get to help people, impact their lives, and change their lives through an outcome, an innovation in science, it was like, "That's it, that's me." I spent 16 years there and actually what shifted me getting to here was, in 2013 we actually lost our full term newborn son and it changed everything. How I saw life, what my purpose was, how could I be impactful, why am I even here? Why my son not here? Why me not gone?


Okay, so if I'm here, what's my purpose? There's got to be something greater than just making a ton of money, getting promotions. I could do that in my sleep. But what's my purpose? What am I called to do? How am I called to serve? What does that look like? It took time to find it. It took, you guys, one thing, no matter whose podcast, my Instagram, or if I'm on somebody's stage speaking, it doesn't matter because I'm a sales coach and a speaker, I always come forth with vulnerability, transparency, and authenticity. Because I don't want you looking at me or going to my Instagram and looking at a bunch of photos and thinking like, "Oh, not me. I could never." Yes you can. Because I started from nowhere and being like…


Sheila Bella, why sales? I had just gotten promoted to being the only African American senior territory manager across the division, across the country. I worked two years to get this title, and it takes two years, every single quarter you have to be at 100% or better to even qualify, and then you have behavioral competencies, all that stuff you had to be checked off. Anyway, then I end up getting pushed out of my job like five months later and it felt like a death. At that point, back when before in 2013, when we lost our son, in my spirit what dropped was, "I know I'm made for more. I know I'm called for greater," but I'm like, "I don't know what it is." I kept going back doing the same old thing, doing the same old thing, making a lot of money, then I got that promotion. Then I got pushed out of my job and it was like, "Boom, what you're going to do? You're going to keep going back and doing the same thing?"


Because I could have went somewhere else, made more money. It wasn't like I had a behavioral issue, I got in trouble. It wasn't. This lay off thing happened and so there it went. I was left with that decision. Then at first I moved into meaningful success coaching, which was helping people go from career to calling and helping them strategize that because it's the journey that I had to take. When I helped people with that at the end they'd be like, "Oh my gosh, I have this strategy. My mindset has shifted. I'm ready, I'm empowered." Then they'd be like, "How do you sell it, Natasha?" Because everybody knew my background they'd be like, "Ooh, how do I sell this thing?" And I'm like, "Oh, I don't do that anymore." I was pushing people off like, "Oh, I don't do that anymore. I don't do that anymore." Then I would send them to a business coach.


Then I started realizing, business coaches only teach on a sliver of sales. Then it was a friend, and this is why it's good you guys, seek wise counsel. Have people around you who are safe, who are wise, who get access to your dreams, visions, desires. Your board of directors. She came and she was like, "Why are you not serving women in the way that they're calling you to and they're asking you?" It was really a matter of my heart, Sheila Bella. I was like, I felt like something had been taken away from me that I love so deeply. Like we talked about a little bit early before recording, it was like a death. That's where my heart lied, my passion, been there all those years. Then I said, yes, I shifted, and it was like the faucet of abundance, and blessings, and clients just went, whoosh.


Because at that point, I said yes to what I really desired. I was like, "You know what? This is mine. I am good at this. That can't be taken away from me." Then when I shifted, it was just game on, changed my business. That's why sales, is because I know that I have a gifting. It's not because I'm great and I think I'm fabulous, but I know what I've been called to do and I'm so confident in that and the ability that, by me showing up doing what I'm gifted to do, I get to impact, serve, and support and help other people make money, which then gives them access to their dreams, their goals, their visions. We all do this for a bigger purpose. I have to show up, I get to show up, and so that's why sales coaching for me. Because there are so many people out here, especially women, they're uberpassionate about what they do but they don't know how to sell it, and passion does not equal profit, period.

Sheila Bella:


Natasha Hemmingway:

It doesn't.

Sheila Bella:

Oh my goodness. I didn't know all that about [crosstalk 00:25:43]-

Natasha Hemmingway:

[inaudible 00:25:43] all of that. Yeah, it takes time to get that out, but it's important for people to know that and when you look at me, is that this has been a journey and it's for everybody. Don't assume that you're not capable. Don't assume you're not worthy. Don't say no to your dreams, goals, and desires. Be open to pivoting and changing because the more you move, the closer you're going to get to where you're supposed to be. That sometimes takes time. Don't [inaudible 00:26:12] yourself that the first stop you may didn't work. Because guess what? Me too. Made our first investment, we said we're going to give it a year, didn't work, failed. Sat for three months in surrender season and then pivoted and moved. Be open to evolving and finding out what it is. It's okay if the first thing you landed on didn't work. I always like being really, really, really transparent with people to tell people this has been a journey and it's that way for you. It's been that way for Sheila Bella, and it's that way for all of us. Never assume that this is just easy and it happens. It takes time.

Sheila Bella:

Yes, it does. People judge their results too early, way too early.

Natasha Hemmingway:


Sheila Bella:

Hey guys, do you want to know the number one tool that I use for business? I pretty much use one tool to do everything, to access my website, my products, host my online courses, do my marketing, build my email list, and to stay in touch with my community. I even use it for payments and recurring payments. That tool is Kajabi, Kajabi. Kajabi, K-A-J-A-B-I. Like wasabi, but Kajabi. Speaking of wasabi, one time I thought it was guacamole and I ate a bunch and it went up my nose. It was not fun. They were both green okay. But let's go back to how Kajabi is this simple, seamless integration with all of your payments to host all of your online courses and do your marketing for you and your website all in one place. Guys, I tried other platforms that wasn't as good. It wasn't as good. It ended up costing me more time and more money. Take it from me. If you want to make more money and keep more money, you got to go to sheilabella.com/kajabi with a K and see what it can do for you, and oh, you're welcome in advance. Back to the show.


Another thing that I want to touch on is the mindset of sales, just like what you're talking about, Why is that key? A lot of times, part of the reason why people don't feel comfortable with the idea of sales is because they lack confidence and you're your own worst critic. The default mode is always putting yourself down. But good sales stems from clear, grounded confidence in yourself, in your product, in your service. Before you can work on anything else, before you can throw a script at somebody, before you can give them a sales formula, that really comes first. I tell my sales team that, "Do you have a strong morning routine that reminds you and grounds you of who you are and your power, the natural power you've been given by God and the universe?" What's your philosophy on that?

Natasha Hemmingway:

Oh my God, it is everything. I literally just talked about it and walked that thing out of my stories all week long.

Sheila Bella:

Go check out her stories you guys.

Natasha Hemmingway:

I talked about the three pillars of sales success. This is from Natasha. One, communication. Two, energy. Three, a sales process. Sales process falls in the bucket of strategy. Communication and energy fall in the bucket of mindset. Mindset is just as important as strategy. I can give you the best laid strategy, sales process, all of that. But if you don't have the mindset and you don't believe that you're worthy, that you're valuable to receive money, unlimited money, and abundance, and blessings. That you are worthy of success, that you are capable, and you are able to stand as I say and be able to sell with confidence, ease, and grace, and sell with heart not hustle then guess what? If you don't believe it, don't expect anybody to buy it from you because they're not going to believe you.


Because guess what? No matter how much you try to hide it, communication and energy are real. They're two of the most critical pieces to sales success. When you open your mouth and when you show up, your energy comes through in your communication, it will show through. Whatever scarcity you have, whatever lack, whatever mindset issues, whatever money stories, it will literally come all the way through what you're saying and your people on the other end of that feel it, see it, they sniff it out, and they're like, "Nah, not interested."

Sheila Bella:

People are more transparent than they realize [inaudible 00:30:53]. You know when your husband's cheating? You know.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Sheila Bella, you are hilarious. Yes. [crosstalk 00:31:02]-

Sheila Bella:

Don't tell me you didn't know, basketball player's wife, or football player's wife. Don't tell me you didn't know. We know. Anyway, that's [inaudible 00:31:11]. But yeah, people are more transparent than they realize.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yes. Intuition, energy-

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, [inaudible 00:31:19]-

Natasha Hemmingway:

... you can feel all of that-

Sheila Bella:

... [crosstalk 00:31:21] not really sure. This person is not that sure. No. Yeah. You must be sure of yourself first. You are the bag, secure yourself.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Right, right. It is so everything, and I'm so glad you hit on that because that's what I tell people. I'm like, if you think you're going to get scripts from me, I'm not your girl. I am not your sales coach. Do not come to me for scripts because that's not what we do here. Because I can give you a script and it's nothing authentic to you, it's not in alignment with you, and it will fail because number one, your mindset is an issue. We will do what I call some check-ups from the neck up. Which means you all can't see me but it's here. The check-up from the neck up means we're going to be working on this brain. The thing that sits on your shoulders, that's above your neck. That, it has to be focused and worked on.


I take clients through a cycle that I developed in my surrender season, it's called the fear to faith cycle. It's about shifting yourself, identifying those things. What are those things that you deal with? What's your subconscious? Then moving and understanding fear. But I get a little nerdy because I have a biology degree, but understanding fear. Not like, "It's okay." But like, no, understanding fear and how you can actually use it to power you forward. Understand how it affects your subconscious, understanding that fearless does not exist, all that. I take people and clients through that. It's a workbook, it's a process. It's so necessary, so necessary. A lot of times people come and they just want to skip over that and get to, how can I make money? I'm like, "You are not going to make no money if this isn't right. If your mindset is not right, you will not make money."

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Oh my gosh. That's why I'm such a big proponent of therapy. I've been in therapy for like nine years. It is a business expense. It is [inaudible 00:33:08]. Also like marriage therapy, because it's like, if that isn't good, everything else isn't good. That's home base. You know what I'm saying?

Natasha Hemmingway:

So true.

Sheila Bella:

It ripples out from that from that. From Will and I, that's where everything ripples out.

Natasha Hemmingway:

I love that, Sheila.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, it's home base. I got a little tiff with my husband, forget it.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yeah. It throws you off your game. When you got to do something else, then it just affects that. Again, your energy shifts.

Sheila Bella:

Energy is everything. Totally. Okay. I want to go back to how we talk about passion doesn't always mean profit. One of your pillars is heart, not hustle, right?

Natasha Hemmingway:


Sheila Bella:

Can you-

Natasha Hemmingway:

To the point that it's trademarked.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, that's awesome.

Natasha Hemmingway:

My whole sales firms sits under, sell with heart, not hustle, period.

Sheila Bella:

Okay, so explain to me the difference between heart and passion. What is heart not hustle? But when you're passionate about something, the idea is that the money will just flow, and that's what we've been told as children.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Oh my gosh. No, no, no, no. Okay. Listen, you can be uber passionate about your business, but it doesn't mean you're going to be profitable. What happens is a lot of times people are passionate, but they don't have a sales process. For example, you think about it. We build businesses that we're passionate about, especially women. We build businesses that we're passionate about. We'll do all the things, we are going to make it look pretty, we'll get the branding, the photos, the website, the landing page, the cash out link. We are going to figure out how we're going to take people's money. But we forget that we actually have to know how to sell it. A lot of people assume, or I hear them say it out of their mouth, "I'm just not good at sales."


I'm like, first of all, it's not a personality trait. It's not something you're born with. It's not in your DNA. It's a skillset, which means it can be developed, improved, and worked on. We have to first understand that, that you can be passionate all you want but it's not going to equal profit. What happens is, we build this business, we open the doors, and we're like, "We've launched, we're open, come in," and then nobody comes in and you're like, "What's wrong? Why is nobody buying anything?" Then you're like, "Maybe it's my branding. Maybe it's the logo. Maybe it's my pricing. Maybe it's this. Maybe it's the marketing." It really has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with the fact that you don't know how to sell it. Then you're losing money and you can lose your dream, your business that you're passionate about, simply because you don't know how to sell it and you don't have a sales process in your business.


Listen, multi-million dollar sales corporations, sales companies, they have sales processes you guys. If it's good enough for them, it certainly is good enough for you. I don't care how small your business is, you need to have a sales process. It is one of the key things that needs to be established in your business, in your company, so that if anybody else comes in they can follow that sales process. They know what that looks like for your company and your corporation, and they [inaudible 00:36:12] to bring in their authenticity, their voice, their messaging, their personality, but they have something to follow. It's not just about you, but it's also thinking about, "As my company grows and develops, when I bring in people, do I have something to show them and mirror? Do they know where to go, what to do, what comes next, what that looks like for our corporation, our company?" It's bigger than just you.


Then the other thing is, sell with heart not hustle is all about literally not hustling people. Seeing sales and understanding that the hard part is the fact that you get to serve and care about the person that's in front of you. You're not worried about your bank account, and the lack of money that's in it, and how badly you need this person to say so you can hit a sales number if you're on a sales team in a company, or so that you can make more money. But it's giving a darn to stop and care and have a heart for the people that you get to serve and that have the yes or no to give you. Do you care about them? For example, if you get on a sales conversation with somebody, you should not be there. Let's say Sheila Bella, your company. Your sales team should not be getting on talking about how great you all's company is, how many accolades you all have, how many people you all have [inaudible 00:37:25], what awards you've won. They don't care about that.


Before they even come close to getting on a call with you, they already know everything about you. They've already stalked you, they've asked other people that they seen them work with. They've been on your Instagram. Honey, they are there because they feel like you can help them. But they're just not fully convinced and sure. Your real main goal around selling with heart not hustle is to show up there to serve the person in front of you. The way that you do that is by finding out three things, what they need, why they need it, and then you get to tell them how you or that company is the best person to provide the solution to them. Selling with heart, not hustle, is literally understanding that the people that are in front of you, they're not coins. They're not securing your bag. You're there to solve a problem for them and help them, because whatever they have actually really, they need it and it matters to them. That's why they're in front of you asking for your help.


So many people miss that because they're so passionate or they're so nervous or they're so talking about themselves and they have sales all flipped in their head. They're like, "I don't want to be manipulative or pushy and hustle people," but they're doing the opposite because they don't understand the hustling got nothing to do with it. It's all about selling with heart, which means caring about who you serve, your ideal client, your niche market. It's caring about them and thinking about them from front to back. What are their obstacles? What are their challenges? Have you done market research? Do you actually know what they need? Do you know what they want, or are you developing products that you think they need and want and missing the mark? It's so much, it's everything. It is everything. Then when you do that, the money comes.

Sheila Bella:

It's a byproduct.

Natasha Hemmingway:

It's what you've done. Yes, it's a byproduct. It's what you do so well. Sheila Bella, it's like, you're there putting out content. You're there building this business and telling other people in the beauty industry for permanent makeup, "Listen, here's how you do it." You're there impacting them and helping them grow and scale their businesses so they can serve more people, and then they get to hit their dreams, and goals, and visions, and it reminds them about why they started in the first place.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. I just love listening to you talk.

Natasha Hemmingway:

I get so fired up about it because I'm like [crosstalk 00:39:47]-

Sheila Bella:

I know [inaudible 00:39:48]-

Natasha Hemmingway:

... making money. No, this is not about not making money. I don't care whether you're a artist. You know how they say, the starving artist. No, artists, creatives, everybody should be making money. If you're in business you should be making money and you have the ability to do it. It's just usually most people don't know how to do it.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. With the beauty industry, it's an art form. We like makeup, we like colors. I think with a lot of people in the beauty industry, a lot of beauty professionals, sales doesn't... it's not a thing. It's not something you have to do. I think the idea is that you have a nice Instagram page, you do a couple celebrities and now everybody's going to want to come to you. But nobody focuses on a real sales process. Sales does have a trickery reputation. I think it rubs a lot of women the wrong way, especially. The idea that you're selling people, it feels like a politician. I watched the debates last night, they were both selling me. I saw, "Oh, there's that strategy? He's painting the hell, he's painting the heaven. They're both doing it. Imagine a world," they're both doing it. It feels like a politician, a used car salesman.


But if you flip that around to be, "I can help you." It's actually a reciprocating relationship that's a win-win that a lot of beauty professionals don't understand. Nobody's going to buy something that they don't want. Where it gets sticky and tricky is, sales is a powerful skill. If it lands in the hands of the bad guys, which oftentimes it does, I would say more times it does. That's what gives it a bad reputation, it's dishonest. I think we need to promote sales the way you promote sales, and I love it, selling with integrity. It's honest sales. Dishonesty is what makes it gross. That's why I believe in teaching sales so much because it needs to be in the hands of more honest and moral people of my tribe, my community.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yes. Good people with good money do good things.

Sheila Bella:

Thank you, Chris Harder. Thank you very much. If you're in that camp, are you one of the good guys or the bad guys? [inaudible 00:42:12], I believe my crew, the Pretty Rich crew, we're the good guys. It's your obligation to learn it because you know you're going to use it for good, because there's bad people in the world, and they're winning at life, and they're taking your clients, they're swindling your clients. Because all the good guys don't take the time to learn sales because they think sales is immoral, it's gross. It is your obligation to learn it.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Absolutely. Because by selling, I want anybody that's listening and you're like, "Oh gosh, that's me. She's calling me out." You're in the beauty industry or wherever industry you're in, I want you to flip in your mindset and say, replace the word, "We're selling," with serving. Sales equals service. You are servicing someone. You're providing a solution. You're providing, bottom line, the solution to their problem. You are providing them with something that they need. That's not icky, immoral, whatever. They're there because they need it. You need to start working on your skillset and understanding your mindset around why you're blocking that. Can we talk about the fact that, like money.


I'm going to need you to be okay with making money. I'm going to need you to be okay with taking people's money because you know you're going to do good with it. It's going to be you investing back in your business. At the end of the day it's what you do with it. But the bottom line is that, there's nothing wrong with making money. As women, we need to understand that. It's actually important for you to be selling in your business so that you can be showing up and giving other women opportunities and opening the doors for them, and showing them that they can too. Sales, if you're in a business, like you said, it is your obligation. I say that about follow-up. People get all weirded out like, "I don't want to push people. I don't want to bug them and follow-up" I'm like, "Follow-up is serving people still. It's customer service actually. It is [Spanish 00:44:11], it is necessary. You cannot not do it. It just can't." It really is this thing. I think that's so big that you said that. In the beauty industry, whether it's hair, makeup, makeup, artists, permanent makeup, you are still in a business.

Sheila Bella:

Business of beauty.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yes. You're in the business of beauty. You're not just playing in makeup and brushing people's hair. It's a business, and treat it as such and then your business will also do... it will reciprocate that same love back.

Sheila Bella:

I have come to realize that I have done a very poor job of reminding everybody why the heck I have so much time to create content. Why do I have time to podcast? How do I have time to create so many reels? How do I have all this time to create inspiring posts, online courses, vacation with family even, et cetera, et cetera. I know you guys know that I'm a permanent makeup artist, but what you may not know is that the reason why I have all this time to pursue the things that I'm truly passionate about is because I've scaled my business. I've scaled my business to create two to $300,000 months in revenue and I did it all through me not even having to be there. I have a permanent makeup studio that now employs seven full-time artists. I used to have 14, and now I have seven, and the seven that I have have been with me for five years or more.


How did I do this? You see, this type of financial freedom is what is available to you through the art and craft of permanent makeup. If you're a solo business owner and you're looking to scale your business just like I did, and perhaps stop the Groundhog Day experience of going in and out doing brow, after brow, after brow, and you're looking to create jobs and opportunities for those who are deserving or perhaps those that you love. This is exactly the model that we coach people through in our Pretty Rich Bosses mentorship program. Whether you're a veteran or just starting out in the industry, if this is something you crave, why don't you pick up the phone and text me for a complimentary strategy call. On this free 60-minute strategy call, we'll use it to clarify what it is that you still haven't done in your business in order to get you to where you want to be. All you have to do is text the word, free call, to area code (310) 388-4588. Text the word, free call, to (310) 388-4588 and I'll talk to you soon.


What does a sales process look like for a beautician? Hair, nails, permanent makeup, waxing. What does a sales process look like? Because my people think that you don't need to implement a sales process. I feel like most people's sales process is word-of-mouth. I hit up the church group. I do the pastor's wife and she tells everybody. What does the sales process in the beauty industry look like?

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yeah. Okay, so let's talk about the... we're going to talk about the four core pieces to a sales process, and it looks different for every business actually too, believe it or not. But even if you are all in the beauty industry, it's, again, a customized, authentic approach. But the core pieces are, sales conversation. At what point, somehow, are you interacting with that client? Sales conversation is one of your biggest opportunities to literally convert someone into a client. Then two, follow-up. Three, pricing, which follow-up and pricing can sometimes switch and flip-flop with each other. Then four, closing. What does that look like in your business as a beauty owner? Are you all taking consultation calls. You're talking about permanent makeup, that's a lot of money and that's a permanent decision. Don't treat them like they're coming in to get a, whatever, $30 brow wax, that's not a in and out thing.


Do you have a process under qualifying, is it the right client? Does it make sense for them? Do they know what they're getting into? Have they set the right expectations? How long... listen, when people are making investments in that, they need knowledge. They got questions. Are you making the space and time for them to come to you and ask you the questions and see that you're a expert, or are you just leaving it out there for them to be looking at your photos on Instagram or going to your website and be like, "Oh yeah, that's where it's located. Yeah, that salon looks cute." No, bring people in, take them serious, they'll take you serious. Treat them as a high-end client so that they will pay you high-end money. Because you give them an experience that feels thought out, that it feels they're cared for. They understand what they're getting into, they're not nervous, which then makes them cancel an appointment on you last minute.


That, then what's your pricing. Are you priced? Not priced based off of what everybody else in town or the industry is doing, but what's your price. Let me tell you, I don't care if you all are the same salon and you're two doors down from each other. That doesn't mean your pricing should be the same. There's a lot that goes into pricing, which is why I talk about doing market research and things like that with my clients. Because, hello, most people aren't doing it. Then actually making a full analysis of your business, having somebody come in and look at that, and talking about what you guys offer and blah, blah, blah. Then the follow-up. What do you do when you've had a consultation call with someone and then they don't say yes, or they don't pay when they're on the phone, or they don't put a deposit down and schedule an appointment.


What are you going to do? Let them go? That's a warm lead. They were already right in front of you because they felt like they needed it. They wanted to buy it. Somewhere something got lost and then now they're gone, so what do you do to get them back in to then move them to a closing, and then how do you close? What does a closing look like? Then even down to, what happens after that? What's our experience? What's our follow-up? How do we pull them through? How do we get them to bring more people in? How do we get them to come back? But then it's also the front end of your sales process too before you even get to a sales conversation is, "What are we doing to get people over into even a consultation call or a sales conversation basically?" It's a lot, and it's not just one thing, but that just gives you a...

Sheila Bella:

That's totally what it is. Students inside Pretty Rich Bosses, did you guys hear all that? That's exactly what I've been saying, what our program teaches. It's so amazing just to get confirmation from the queen herself, Natasha Hemmingway, that we're doing a great job teaching sales inside Pretty Rich Bosses.

Natasha Hemmingway:

You are, you are. Then this is where it gets deeper, is that a lot of times people have their own hangups. You can teach people a process but then they need to go deeper. That's where, when I'm working with a one-on-one client, it's like, "Ooh, okay. I know how to do this, but something's just not happening." I've had people come to me that have massive followings, it's not that money is their issue, but they know that they want to make more money, and they want to grow, and they want to increase their conversion rate and things like that. They're like, something's not there. Then once I get behind the curtain I'm like, "Oh, whew, it's these things, it's your mindset. It's this, it's that. Maybe the structure needs to be tweaked, your pricing needs to increase, you need to stop letting people have so much access to you." It's different things and we get to pivot that then it's like, "Wow! Now I'm in flow and bringing in more and I can see the growth and I'm now actually able to scale."

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, absolutely. I want to jump into coaching because I know your... I mean, as a sales coach, something you said that I had to write down, I don't even know where you said it. I forgot, but I wrote it down. You said, "My job as your coach is to hold you accountable to the growth that you say you desire" that's it. The money situation, even sales calls, is basically an initial coaching call. It's the first coaching call. That's what it is.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Absolutely. I treat my clients as such. I'm not like, "Oh, maybe if you hire me." No, no, no, no, no, no. You are here because you want to work with me. I'm here at this point. We are speaking as if it is so, and I am already identifying and I'm mapping out a strategy. Literally, as they're talking, I'm collecting data and I'm listening. My mind is already in ideation mode of bringing that through. Coaching, listen. If you are a coach that's in the beauty industry, say for example like Sheila Bella. Coaching, it is your job, is to hold them accountable. Somebody is in front of you because they say they want something, the same thing with your clients. They're there on a consultation call because they want to buy something, they're interested. They're interested, they want to buy something, and that's our job.


You can't shy away from that. You can't allow your insecurities to show up there. That's not the place for it. You're there to serve people. You're there to help them close the gap. Bring them across the bridge. You're there to extend that hand. They get to then put their hand in your hand and walk across that bridge. You can't just let them fall off because you are afraid of selling, or you don't want to follow up, or you feel pushy, manipulative. I heard somebody say, one time I was speaking on a call, it was actually Lindsay's call. Someone talked about what they felt like when they hear the word sales, what does it make them think of? They said, "Predatory." I was like, "Whoa, that's deep." I was like, "Let's go. You set the bar high, I got a lot of work to do."

Sheila Bella:

What experiences did this [crosstalk 00:54:19] have?

Natasha Hemmingway:

Right. Right-

Sheila Bella:

[inaudible 00:54:22] for the rest of us.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Right. But people have these thoughts in their head. Your job, you've got to work on your mindset because you're there to do a job. It's your obligation. It's your obligation to help that person and help them get to their solution, and they feel like you're the person so show up and help them. Show up and help them get there.

Sheila Bella:

And charge money. Because you can help people more, and I learned this, by selling them something rather than giving it to them. People who aren't in business, I feel like, or a lot of people who aren't in business, may not understand that. You get better results with a weight loss program that you pay for versus a free YouTube video. If you pay for [inaudible 00:55:06] skin in the game you're invested. It's like, "Oh, I better eat this. I better put that cupcake down because this costs a lot of money."

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yes. You show up different, energetically, in your mind, the way you show up, your seriousness about it. That investment, and listen, nothing worth having doesn't come without sacrifice. All of us have to invest into our businesses, period. Stop winging it. Stop thinking that people that you admire have gotten there because they're so fabulous and they're great. We've all invested, and we continue to invest, in our businesses, our teams, our company. You have to. That's you putting your skin in the game. Trust me, you show up different when you do it that way.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Yeah. If you take [crosstalk 00:55:51]-

Natasha Hemmingway:


Sheila Bella:

... seriously, it will take you back seriously. You have to show the universe. You have to prove to God that, "I really want this," through investments financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Right before we started recording, I keep telling the people, "You have to treat your business like another child, like your business baby. This is your business, baby. You'll do anything for this baby to make sure it goes to college and eats.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yes, 1000%. You have to treat it that way. Also too I want to say this, is that, there will be times when you feel like you don't have it, it doesn't make sense, you don't know how you're going to make it work. But again, this is why it's so important with sell with heart, not hustle. You have to love what you do so much that you're willing to sacrifice things and you're willing to take leaps of faith even while you're fearful to say yes to it. Because you understand that investment, that deposit, is going to grow you to your next level and then you go to the next, and the next, and the next. But none of it comes from being stagnant. None of it comes from just sitting in fear.


There will be times, because let's be honest, if all of us had it like that and had tons of money, we'd just be like... we wouldn't need it. We wouldn't need the coaching. But none of us do. We have to sacrifice. It's not even just money, Sheila Bella, it's also time, your comfort zone, other things, sometimes relationships. I mean, it's a sacrifice and you have to love what you do so much. When you love it and you know you're where you're supposed to be, the investment is easy. It becomes so easy-

Sheila Bella:

Second nature.

Natasha Hemmingway:

... to literally put five figures down and be like, "I believe in this so much, Sheila Bella. I need you, I know you are going to be the one to help me and I'm invested." It's not like them just saying yes to you. I tell my clients all the time, "Listen, you're not just saying yes to me. Don't get it twisted. You are also saying yes to yourself. Yourself, your dreams, your goals, your vision, you are saying yes to what you desire. This isn't about me, it's about you." You have to be ready to give yourself your best yes. Not a halfway. Not a, "Oh my God, I'm going to say yes. But will it work? Will I get this? Will I have the return on investment? Oh my God [inaudible 00:58:16]" No. Yeah, it's normal to have some of those feelings.


But you have to shut that down and say, "No, I am ready. This is my best yes. I am committed to what I say I want. I am committed to the sacrifice and the growth to get to here, and I'm willing to sacrifice whether it's monetarily, time, this and that to get there because I love what I do. I believe in what I do and the value and the impact." That's even if it's permanent makeup, or if you sell press on nails, I don't care. Love what you do so much that you're willing to sacrifice and you're not willing to let it go or give up on it.

Sheila Bella:

Mic drop. Boom. Oh, you guys can't see me. Oh, well, for those of you who are watching on video, yes you can. I just did a little drop mic version. That was amazing. I freaking love you. I'm so glad we connected. I wish you were Polly Pocket, Natasha Hemingway Pocket, and I would keep you in my pocket and be like, "I need a little pep talk, Natasha. I need a little pep talk."

Natasha Hemmingway:

Listen. One of my clients she says, "I just hear you sitting on my shoulder," and I'm like, "Whatever works, man." I'm like, "If you need a message, if you need a word before you go into that call, you need to get your mind right." Listen, I tell my clients, "I'm here to serve, support, and pour into you. I don't take that lightly." Their dreams and goals, when they say yes to me, I become a part of their dreams, goals, and visions. I don't take that lightly. Yeah, I do give them access to me. I show up for my clients because I believe in them and we're doing something big together. Yeah, I do get in their ear and I'm on their shoulder.

Sheila Bella:

With that said, where can we find you and how can we work with you?

Natasha Hemmingway:

Yes, so where can you find me? I am everywhere at natashahemmingway.com. My website, which is newly done, Natasha Hemmingway, two Ms,.com. On Instagram that's where I hang out literally the most, is Natasha Hemmingway with two Ms. Those are the two main places. Also too, how can you work with me? The easiest way is you can go to my website or you can go to the link in my bio in Instagram, and you can schedule a strategy call. That is a free strategy call to you. We'll get on. That's if you're coming to me and you know you're ready and you desire it. But you come and we'll spend that 30 minutes. It's really all about me understanding where you are, what you desire, what's missing, what do you need help with? And then I get to invite you for as long as it's the right fit.


Then, that's an easy way for us to establish that. Just start there. It's like you said, a mini coaching call, because [inaudible 01:00:55] strategy. Or another thing is too, I also have an assessment, a sales assessment. I tell people because a lot of times people, they don't know what they don't know, and you can't change or grow from what you aren't aware of. People just know, "I'm not making money," or, "My money is inconsistent," or, "I want to be making more money," or, "I'm not good at sales," whatever the thing is. But they don't know what they need to change or fix. You can text the word, heart, duh, because I'm all about heart and hustle. But text the word heart to 55444, so two fives, three fours. Text the word heart and you'll be able to take a sales assessment, and then it'll tell you where you are and where your gaps are, and have you think of that. Then you can actually say, "Okay, let me take a step back. I feel like I need to work on this, this, this, and then what's my next move." You can make that decision from there.

Sheila Bella:

I will be sure to put all of those details in the show notes of this podcast so you guys can check it out. Go stalk Natasha Hemmingway's Instagram, I know I was there all day, every day. I love your reels. Please keep on coming. So much for serving us today Natasha. We love you. We love you.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Listen. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me and the people that are listening. Thank you for listening. I don't ever take any opportunity for granted ever, ever, ever, where I get to serve and pour into with what I love and what I'm gifted with. I know that it gets to impact other people, so thank you, Sheila Bella, because I know your story at this point, for stepping up and being a leader in this industry. Because by you doing what you're doing, and the work that you're doing, and how much heart and intention you're putting into it, and putting this podcast out, you literally are opening doors to other people's dreams, visions, goals. Listen, we honor you for being a leader in the industry and for giving us this podcast to listen to in the way that you show up. I want to honor you also because I wouldn't be here without you and your listeners wouldn't be here without you, so thank you.

Sheila Bella:

I receive that. That's hard. Thank you.

Natasha Hemmingway:

Please receive it.

Sheila Bella:

Okay everybody, until next time.


Hey, thanks so much for listening to today's episode of Pretty Rich Podcast. If you want to continue the conversation longer, check me out on Instagram. It's my favorite place to connect with you guys at RealSheilaBella. I'm happy to answer any of your questions or simply to chat and get to know you better. If you end up doing something super awesome like screenshoting this episode and reposting it on your stories, that would put the biggest smile on my face. Don't forget to tag me. I appreciate every share and love feedback from my listeners. Also, do you have my number? Do you have my number? Because if we're to keep hanging out, you should probably have my number so you can actually text me. That's right. You can text me at, (310) 388-4588.


If you're sick and tired of doing business alone, and you're interested in accelerating your success by hiring a business coach or joining our mentorship program called Pretty Rich Bosses, go ahead and just apply. Why not? Check it out. Go to sheilabella.com/apply, and we'll schedule a free strategy session with either myself or one of my advisors. Of course, I got to include my kids. Here to send us off are Beau and Grey. Grey, say, "Share with your friends."


Share [inaudible 01:04:36] friends.

Sheila Bella:

Please review my mommy on iTunes.


[inaudible 01:04:41] mommy iTunes.

Sheila Bella:

Thanks for listening.


[inaudible 01:04:46] for listening.

Sheila Bella:

Hey Beau. Can you tell everybody what our family motto is?


Yeah, I can do hard things.

Sheila Bella:

I can do hard things. Good job, buddy.


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