Ep. 138: Money Mindset And My Sales Squad


It's time for us to take our relationship to the next level...

I want you to meet...

My team.


That's right, it's time! Listen, when 2020 got flipped upside down and we all had to close our doors and hole up in our apartments for the rest of the year, frozen in panic, I got to work building a team. And thanks to the work my team and I have done we made 2020 one of the best years of my business - in spite of it all!

I know hiring is something that scares a lot of people. It takes a lot of trust. But I actually have a lot of experience building good teams - first with my salon and now with my online business. And so I want to take a moment to introduce you to my ever-growing team because I'm honestly amazed by how we all just came together. Most of us have never in met in person, okay? We're all over the place because we work from home. We have team members in California, Missouri, Georgia. We're all around. But we've really become like a family over the course of a couple of months.

If you've been thinking about expanding, like you know you're wearing way too many hats as it is in your business and you kind of feel like you're drowning in your work, you can download my free Hiring Guide here. I'll share all of my best advice for building successful teams like my own.

Are you ready? Let's do this!



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [02:26]  Let's start with some serious business advice for those of you just starting out that are scared of spending money.

‣‣  [15:07]  The first team member I want to introduce you to is Tracy. She's one of my sales advisors that helps potential PRB students strategize their businesses and find ways out of their business slumps from 2020.

‣‣  [23:58]  The next person I'm gonna introduce you to is Jhazzy - our content creator and social media director. She basically keeps all of my social media looking fresh and engaging. She keeps me up to date and also keeps me from losing my head sometimes.

‣‣  [30:04]  A lot of the girls on my team are entrepreneurs so they know what it takes to build a business and believe in the services we're providing. My next team member is a fellow beauty boss who had her own studio but had to close due to covid. Now she helps manage all of our community and social groups!

‣‣  [35:34]  It's time for you to all meet my COO. I mean - you've probably met her before, honestly. But she keeps us running like a well-oiled machine. We started this whole crazy thing together just the two of us and look at us now!

‣‣  [47:32]  And then we have Brie who works in sales and customer communications. She's gorgeous, she's funny, and she has some serious wisdom to drop on us.

‣‣  [56:20]  Last, but certainly not least, the gratitude queen herself, Jess. Jess is one of our advisors so she helps potential Pretty Rich students put together their best plans and find the best coaches for them to really create the business that THEY want.





You can follow me, Sheila Bella, on Instagram @realsheilabella!


Here are the links that were mentioned in the podcast! 

Pretty Rich Bosses

New Clients Consistently

Text me! (310) 388-4588

Free Hiring Guide




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You can enjoy a transcript of the podcast here.

Sheila Bella:

Don't quit your nine to five. Don't do it. Don't expand, don't try to make more money. You should just be satisfied with what you have. Are you kidding? Guys, this is some serious advice. Really, I mean it. Don't quit your nine to five. If you want to find out what I mean by that, you got to stay tuned. Listen to the rest of this episode on Pretty Rich Podcast.


Welcome to Pretty Rich Podcast, where you're totally the heroine of your own story. I'm your host, Sheila Bella, and I've built a seven figure PMU beauty biz, and a seven figure online biz without a degree, without a fancy website, or a sugar daddy. If you and I hang out on here long enough, you're going to start to believe that you can do it too. How about that for a side effect of listening to this podcast? Because you really can. I know you think I don't know you, I have no idea who you are, but I do. I really, really do. Because I am you. I was you. And I believe we are all on the same journey together. My perfect job didn't exist, so I created it. The job I wanted wasn't hiring me, wanted nothing to do with me. So I skipped the line and hired myself as CEO. Just like you can.


So, consider me your secret beauty biz BFF. In case you need to be reminded on a weekly basis that power is never just handed to you, you have to take it. Are you ready beauty boss? Let's jump in.


What up fam? Oh man, that intro is probably like, is this the right podcast? What's going on? Guys, I want to elaborate a little bit more about what I mean by this. If you are just starting out in your business. Maybe not just starting out, but let's say you've been in business for a few years now, and you have a fear or spending money. Okay, we all have a fear of spending money. But let's say you constantly give in to that fear. If you're annoyed that you're just starting a business, but you already have to invest in a website, and insurance, and marketing, and software, and business coaching, for crying out loud, the list goes on. If that's already annoying you, you're not cut out for business, you're not cut out for entrepreneurship.


I think people need to stop lying to themselves and realize that building a business takes major investments. And the investments don't stop. If you're serious about getting to the next level, you're not going to get there for free. The next level will cost you something, it will come at a price. So, if you started your business because you wanted to make six, seven, eight figures even, you can't expect to have a big return on a small investment. I told myself this year that I'm going to be more unapologetic, more honest, and I'm just going to tell the truth, because that's the way I'm going to serve you guys and my community best, just by being honest. It's true that the more you learn, the more you earn. It just makes sense. But you can't just learn for free, you've got to invest. That knowledge might come at a price.


And that should be okay, because poor people hang on to their money, they invest in money, because having a lot of money right now feels good, it feels safe. Rich people invest in the long game. They invest in time, they make decisions based on what's good for them in the long run, not on what feels good right, right now. You can't make emotional business decisions like that. And rich people believe that you have the power to create your life. You can create your life, you can buy knowledge, you can get smarter. You can invest in your business. But poor people believe life just happens to them, it just happens to them. Nothing you do can necessarily, truly alter the trajectory of your life.


If you want to be wealthy, you need to believe that you can create your life, and part of the decision to create the lifestyle that you want is going to cost money. It's going to take investment.


What's up PMU sister friend? No seriously. Do you want new clients all the time? Do you want to end the worry and anxiety over where your next client is going to come from? How awesome would it be to have a steady, I'm talking steady, flow of leads and calls to your business, inquiring about your services? I'm inviting you to stop stressing and start living, with my new online course NCC, which stands for New Clients Consistently. Here you will learn how to guarantee how that one client that loved you so much is going to turn into 10 more. There's a formula to this, and it works. It works so well. This course it going to teach you how to create new clients, out of the current ones that you do have.


So, if you have a PMU, Lash or any beauty business that's struggling, you've got to check this out. This is everything. This is the secret right here. It's a new era, you've got to shake things up because if what you're doing isn't working, stop doing it. Your pattern isn't working, so you need to get a new one. This is the ultimate pattern interrupt. So stop what you're doing, you've got to go to sheilabella.com/NCC. Let's get you those new clients consistently. I'll see you inside.


When you guys make money in your businesses, I think one of the most common mistakes that new entrepreneurs make is they see what their business is making. Your gross income is not your personal income. No, you give yourself a paycheck from that gross income, and whatever is left in that account, in the business, is meant to re-invest in the business to make it stronger. If you want to have a strong business, then you need to learn how to trade money for your ideas. You want to get paid for ideas. You need to start getting paid for your mind. If you think that you're going to get rich by getting paid for your time, you're out of your mind, because your time is going to run out. Your mind won't, but your time is going to run out.


A lot of people don't know how to do that, and a lot of people in the beauty industry don't realize that you don't need to be tied to your clients. There is a way you can scale your business and create passive income. You can hire other artists, you can hire other hair stylists, you can multiply yourself. A lot of people don't know how to do that yet, and that's why investing in either a master mind, or a coach or a mentorship, it doesn't even have to be mine, but investing in something that's going to teach you how to do that is so important. Because there's a lot of people that accumulate what they think is vast wealth, because this money is sitting in the account.


But it's only money. What is wealth? True wealth, to me, is freedom. It's a lifestyle, it's options. They don't teach you how to acquire that kind of wealth in school, in traditional school. A formal education will make you a living, but self education, the kind of education that you seek, the one that you go after, can make you a fortune. It's how I created my business, because I think the bottom line is you can't make more money without some sort of education, without some sort of know-how.


And for those of you who have already spent thousands and thousands of dollars on art classes, permanent makeup training, on lash volume this and that, did any of those classes ever teach you how to make money? Have you ever invested in a training whose sole purpose was to teach you how to actually make money in the beauty business? If not, no wonder you're stressed out. You're working way too hard. It's like you're digging a hole in the ground using a pen. Your tools suck. Guys, this is all about working smarter, and not harder. You have to trade in your tools for something better, something more effective.


Because what do we all really want? What do you want? I think it's not just money that you want, right? It's what money can do. The ultimate purpose of money is so that you don't have to be anywhere specifically, any place specifically, doing anything specifically, and be free. We're all after freedom. I definitely think that money is not the answer to everyone's problems, but it definitely makes a really big difference. So, I'll be honest with you guys. After every team meeting that I have with my team, I meet with them at 8:45 every morning. After every team meeting, our motto, it just came about, was GM, Get Money. But you know what? I am just done with society villainizing money. As my friend and one of my mentors, Chris Harder says, he always says that when good people make good money, they do great things. Guys, you can't be in it just for the money. You have to be in it for the impact, because whoever loves money will never have enough. That's in the bible, that's in Ecclesiastes 5:10.


So it's important to make sure you are your money's master, not its slave. So you decide how to handle your money, what to do with it, how to invest it, whether or not you're emotionally attached to it, which is bad. It's important to not be so emotionally attached to money. You use it as a tool, you use it as a tool for freedom. Money is just an exchange of energy. You're just exchanging energies. Oh, okay. And you know what? That energy exchange, when a transaction is made, is really a beautiful thing. It's a win-win for both parties most of the time. So, let's stop villainizing money. I guess for me, I realized once I started making a lot of money, what I could do with it, the good in the world I could do with it. Of course, you want to get more, because you want to do even more good.


So guys, today I wanted to do something a little bit different. I wanted to share with you an Instagram Live that I did with about a third of the members of my team, of my sales team. It was just a third of them, because I feel like having them all on one IG Live would have been way too much. So I'm just going to do this in trickles, in sets. So here's the first set, meet my sales squad on this episode of Pretty Rich Podcast, I have Tracy, I have Brie, Jhasmine, Vale, Laura and Jessica. So, I'm going to play this live for you, but before I do, I wanted to remind you that hey, if this rant helped you in some way or form, I want to encourage you to please leave a five star review on iTunes. At the end of the month, if you leave a five star review on iTunes and you include your Instagram handle, you can win any free beauty business course on my website, sheilabella.com/programs. I'm going to be choosing one winner who leaves a review every single month to win a free beauty business online course. Guys, these reviews help me out a ton, helps me out a ton, and I love reading everything you guys write.


So, without further adieu, here we go, meet my sales squad.


I'm now live, hello everyone. Welcome. Oh my gosh, I'm really excited for today's live. Hi you guys. Okay, just checking. I literally just beat my face, right now. I just finished beating my face, right now. So you have that oh my gosh I just finished type of energy, because I did. Okay, so I'm really excited for today. I wanted to do something a little bit different, I wanted to introduce you guys to some of the members of my team. So you guys, this is about a third, today a third of my team is going to go, particularly our sales team. So, if you've ever wondered what it's like to work with us, for us, and what our whole company culture is like, you might be surprised. It's very casual, it's very ratchet, and it's a lot of fun. So, I'm going to introduce Tracy who is our first team member. She's going to be going live with me. Here we go. If this is the right way. Yeah, here we go. First one.


Wow, hello Tracy.


Hello there.

Sheila Bella:

You were just telling me that this is the most done up you've gotten since COVID?


It's been almost a year. What happened, right?

Sheila Bella:

Okay, how relatable is that, you guys? That's so funny. I haven't worn heels. Well, I wore it yesterday for a quick picture, but then I took it off immediately.


That's one thing I can leave behind.

Sheila Bella:

I know. Okay, so a couple of questions. Can you introduce yourself to our audience? Who are you, and what is your job at Pretty Rich Bosses?


Yeah. So, I'm Tracy, and I am a sales advisor at Pretty Rich Bosses. So I help women like you strategize your business, and really figure out how you can get unstuck from 2020 and 2021. And it's really helped me realize my own dreams and goals, so I'm really excited to have this new future.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, yeah. So we've been working together now for a little bit, and I have to say just watching her growth has been just so fulfilling for me, and our friendship has blossomed too. I feel so, so grateful that our paths have crossed. Okay, quote of the moment?


So, this is one actually that stuck with me from when I was 19, 20 and I've been thinking about it a lot for the last 15 years. "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better."

Sheila Bella:

Oh, is that your mantra?


Yeah, and especially if I can't sleep at night, I have to say that to myself. You told me to read a book by James Clear, Atomic Habits.

Sheila Bella:



And it said even 1% better every day means you grew 365% by the end of the year.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, wow.


I think especially after last year, you lose sight of that. I really need to remember it's the little wins. Like saying no to chocolate after every meal. I've got to celebrate the little things and not let the big things get in the way of my success.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Yeah. And also, I want to combine that with, so that's helping me right now, with the realization that nothing changes if nothing changes. But it doesn't even have to be a big change. It could be a little change, as long as it's consistent.


Positive. Yep. Forward momentum.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. So, one of the exercises I do when I journal is I draw out a big rectangle, and then there's a Smaller square right here. And then on the big rectangle, I think about what is the big picture, what is my big sky goal. And then the smaller part of it is, what is the simple step that I can bite off of that goal today. Because when you think about your big sky goal, it can be so overwhelming. But if you just think about incremental, just one per cent changes, yeah that's really good.


I love that. I'm going to start doing that. See, that'll be my exercise at night, with my mantra.

Sheila Bella:

Actually, that's going to be on our Pretty Rich Bosses call on Monday, January 11th, Get Unstuck.


I love it.

Sheila Bella:

Okay, a little preview. So, what's one thing that you're going to do better this year?


One goal that I made is I actually gave up my full time nursing job in 2021. I was super burnt out before the pandemic, I'm super burnt out now, and my goal this year is to make more money for myself than I ever made as a nurse for someone else. And I think I can do it.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. I definitely think so. You've been doing it. You've been doing it.


I have, and that's why I'm like January, new possibility, new energy. I'm ready.

Sheila Bella:

When did you finally make the decision to leave your nursing job?


I really decided that I wasn't showing up as the person I wanted to be, I wasn't that bubbly, happy person any more, and I was bringing others down around my with my mood. I was like, "You know what? If I find something that I'm energized and positive about, and fill my life with that, there's no way that I can't do better at that if I really put myself in 100%." So it was like, it's time. I've been afraid for so many years, and now I'm not afraid any more, because I know as long as I'm living my true self, I'll be fine.

Sheila Bella:



I just have to stop living that person that I'm not any more. I did what my parents told me to do. I went and became a nurse, I got that stable job, and I'm ready to do something bigger and better now.

Sheila Bella:

Aw. Yeah, I totally relate to that. What is something that being a part of this team has taught you?


Something it has taught me, and it relates to what I just said, and it's something we actually talked about once is, I block my own blessings more than anyone else. That was a really hard pill to swallow, because you always want to blame someone else for the reason why you're not succeeding. And one day we were talking and I was like, "Well, what if my own training program for PMU doesn't work?" And you're like, "Well, what if it does?" And I was like, "Huh."

Sheila Bella:

So simple.


"Huh. Yeah, what if it does?" I blocked my own blessings with my doubt and my fear that's in my head, that I don't share, than anybody else. Once I let that go and realized anything's possible, it's like you said, you put the change and the work in, then sky's the limit. Nothing changes if I don't change.

Sheila Bella:

Oh my gosh. Yeah, that's something that relates to me even now, that we block our own blessings.



Sheila Bella:

Something that Will and I, my husband, we talked about just last night, and something we talk about often. We're like things are going so well. Our marriage is better than ever, our businesses are better than ever. And it wasn't always easy, but things are going so well. So since things are going so well, our natural thought is, is something bad about to happen?



Sheila Bella:

That's not okay to think that way.



Sheila Bella:

So I realized-


Scarcity mindset.

Sheila Bella:

... that I limit, even by thinking that way, by saying it out loud. So I was like, "Who are we to limit what God could do?" Like, this is the best God's going to do, this is it. You know what I mean? And I said it last night, I said, "I feel like that's not good, we shouldn't limit what God can do. This isn't the best." And welcome it, and expect better. Because sometimes you are so grateful, you are totally drowning in gratitude, that it's almost scary.



Sheila Bella:

And it's a great place to be, because there's so many times where it was really, really tough. He even showed me a picture of our bank account statement from several years ago, and it was like Checking, $22.00, Savings, $52.00, credit card, the all in one thing, credit card said $20,000 we owe. And it feels like yesterday still, so it's really hard to accept sometimes when you're so traumatized by hardship that your default setting is trauma, is hardship. And I think just really learning that God is a good God. I feel like we serve a good God, and when the blessings are here they're here to stay. They're here to stay.


We didn't only get this far to get this far.

Sheila Bella:



So I'm so excited to see what 2021 holds.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, I'm so excited for you too babe. I'm so excited. Okay, awesome. Thank you for joining us.


Have fun with everyone else, bye guys.

Sheila Bella:

Bye. Okay, so we're bringing on our next person. All right. Oh guys, isn't Tracy awesome? I had an immediate connection with Tracy when I first met her. I was like, "This girl and I, I feel like are going to be friends." And then next up we have Jhasmine. So, Jhasmine, she's our content creator and social media director, and her IG handle is Jhazzy Rich. Oh, what's up family?


Hi Sheila. Good afternoon.

Sheila Bella:

You look great. Wow, nice wallpaper. So, you just moved into a new house, right?


Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Sheila Bella:

Okay, I never saw that wall.


Oh, this is the guest bedroom.

Sheila Bella:

Oh wow. I like your accent wall. I'm in front of my vanity right now too.



Sheila Bella:

Because the light's so good. Okay so Jhas, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself to everybody, and what you do at PRB.


Okay. What I do at PRB is social media director, so pretty much I create content for Sheila. I send her the drafts, infographics mainly, and then she approves and then she sprinkles a little bit of Sheila on top.

Sheila Bella:

You do a lot. You also do customer relations, you also calm me down. One of the very first things that I'll never forget you told me about when you first started working at Sheila Bella was there will be no meltdowns today.


Yeah, no meltdowns, no stressing.

Sheila Bella:

Sheila, no meltdowns today. I was like, "Oh, I like this girl." You started out as front desk at Sheila Bella micro blading, right?


Yeah, front desk.

Sheila Bella:

Front desk.


Front desk, checking in girls, taking before and after pictures.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. And since we've been shut down by King Newsome, we don't have a studio right now. We've actually been closed since March, since the shutdown. And we opened for like two weeks in June, and then we shut down again. And then the re-opening this past fall, I didn't believe it. So I was like, "Hold up. Before we do all that again, let's hold up a second." Right?



Sheila Bella:

And yeah, so that's why we didn't re-open. So lo and behold, they shut us down pretty immediately after that, and I'm grateful we didn't re-open, we chose to not. But yeah, now you're the social media director, and I have to say I rely on you a lot. It's so crazy you guys, I've gotten to know Jhasmine even more virtually throughout this pandemic then even I did when she was working front desk at Sheila Bella, and I feel like we're closer.


Yeah, we just literally met one time at her studio, and then we did an interview with you. I got an interview with your mom, with Sylvia.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Oh man. I'm so, so happy you're here. Okay, so favorite quote of the moment.


Favorite quote would be, "You're the captain to your ship." Basically we destine where we go, so I feel like every day we make decisions in life, and those are the things where it's going to take you from point A to point B.

Sheila Bella:

Absolutely. Absolutely. You have such a growth mindset, and I feel like I'm so glad I got to know it even more so. What is one thing you're going to try to do better this year, or like a goal? Personal.


Better this year?

Sheila Bella:



Well, I have a baby coming, so I just want a good delivery.

Sheila Bella:

I know, I'm so excited. Oh, Jhas. So you have a new house, you have a baby coming.


Yes, all for 2021.

Sheila Bella:

And you had your doctor's appointment yesterday?


Yes. I'm due September 14th.

Sheila Bella:

Oh my gosh, that's amazing.


I know, and my birthday is February 14th, so it's going to be on the 14th.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, I didn't know that Jhasmine. Oh, girl. All right, cool. Well listen, Jhasmine's been sending me a lot of goodies to my door. Whenever I see a box from Macy's, I'm like, "Is this from Jhasmine?" You're so sweet, I'm going to remember that. Okay, what is something that being a part of this team has taught you?


It has taught me to be more open. I feel like you guys are my sisters. We talk about everything and anything. There's no filter between us, we're very transparent. It's such a good work culture, because we build each other up instead of tear each other down, so that's what I love about PRB.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, I genuinely feel that too from you guys. I feel like it is a very open environment, I think our communication is really good. So I'm glad you feel that. I didn't feed her these words, you guys.


No. I'm not paid to say that.

Sheila Bella:

No, you're paid to do other things. You better say that. You better say that Jhas, or else. Okay. Well awesome, thank you for joining us this morning.


Thank you guys. Have a great day. Bye.

Sheila Bella:

Bye. All right. Moving right along. Okay, next up. Next up is somebody... you know what's so strange, I've never met in person, even though she lives probably 20 minutes away. We got Vale. We got Vale.



Sheila Bella:




Sheila Bella:

Hi Vale, you look so pretty.


Thank you. I cannot do full on makeup, but I try.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, you're so good, you're so pretty.


As good as it gets with me.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, you look so pretty.



Sheila Bella:

Oh my gosh, I look like a mess in our morning meetings.


[inaudible 00:30:01] gorgeous.

Sheila Bella:

So I thought I'd dress up for you here. Okay, so can you tell everybody who you are, and what is your job at Pretty Rich Bosses?


Yeah. I'm Vale. In Pretty Rich Bosses I'm a virtual assistant, and I'm a community manager. I'm a lot in Facebook, and in the groups, and controlling all that. I used to have a studio myself, but as you said, we were closed.

Sheila Bella:

We are closed.


I decided, yeah, I decided to switch gears and I actually love where it's taking me. It's more in the line of my future goals, so I'm super excited to be a part of your team.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, I had a really good feeling about you first time we met, although virtually. But since there's stay at home orders right now, as soon as these stay at home orders lift we should all meet up.



Sheila Bella:

And it's crazy, because you're 20 minutes away from me.



Sheila Bella:

Or if that, maybe even 10 minutes away, and we still haven't met.



Sheila Bella:

That feels so weird, but that's the world we live in, right?



Sheila Bella:

As a professional virtual assistant, you would know that.



Sheila Bella:

Okay, so what's your favorite quote of the moment?


Well, right now it is, "It's not easy to re-invent a life, but that's not reason not to do it."

Sheila Bella:

Oh, bang.



Sheila Bella:

All right, you brought in the heavy hitters this morning.


It goes with what I'm trying to do right now.

Sheila Bella:

Okay, which is a great segue to the next question. What's one thing you're trying to re-invent this year?


Well, I am trying to move more completely into the virtual assistant area, and do more with what I do with you. I'm also trying, I was a fitness instructor when I was in my early 20s, and I want to go back to that. Going back to dancing Zumba, being healthy, being plant-based, vegan. So I'm trying to do all that, be healthier with myself, and I want to move out of my apartment. So those are my goals.

Sheila Bella:




Sheila Bella:

Okay, where do you want to move to?


Hopefully I would like to be in Argentina, closer to my mom and my sister, and with all this it made it so much stronger, that feeling. I want to have a place closer to them for sure.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. That's what you told me when we first talked, that that's something you wanted. And I was like, "Well, this is a job you can do from literally anywhere."



Sheila Bella:

You can be in Barbados. You can be in the North Pole. If there's wifi, we're good.


That would work too. I want to travel too.

Sheila Bella:

Okay, so what is something that being a part of this team has taught you?


That literally teamwork makes the dream work, because when you have not only a guide, you are such a guide and you put on a structure, but we want to work with each other and we want to make each other grow. Not only as a team, as a business, but we are truly happy with the successes of everyone else's. So I think that's what I learned, that it can happen in a business.

Sheila Bella:

Aw, yeah.


That people are truly interested in your happiness and in your success. Not only for the employees, but also for the students that are taking the PRB, and we are truly happy with everyone's successes. Like, "Oh, I got my new business," and it's like it's such a joy for all of us, so that's good.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, definitely. I feel that with you. You're such a cheerleader, super positive. And you know what I'm discovering too Vale? Is that you have a lot of hidden talent.


Thank you.

Sheila Bella:

I'm seeing it. You sent over that graphic this morning, I was like, "This is really good. I don't think I could have made this, this is really good."


Thank you.

Sheila Bella:

And yeah, I'm glad that that is apparent to you, that our teamwork is really good within our morning meetings. And don't you find it's really interesting how close we all are, although we always meet virtually?


Yeah, for sure. Yeah, truly. Because I truly believe we do care for each other, and we never met.

Sheila Bella:



I literally never met physically. I saw you around in conferences, but we've never chatter, and we never had... I was just admiring you from my seat.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, you're so sweet. Well, we're here for you babe. We're really, really here for you. I love you, I'm so glad our paths crossed.


Yeah, me too. Can't wait for what 2021 brings.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. I'm excited. All right, have a great day. I'll talk to you later.



Sheila Bella:

Okay. Yay. All right. Who's next? Laurita? She probably doesn't like when I say that. Okay, so this girl is like the Luigi of my Mario. She is the Veronica to my Betty.


Oh, [inaudible 00:35:53].

Sheila Bella:

Actually, that's Shea. But yeah, you're...


Okay, not be against the light.

Sheila Bella:

Hey Luigi.


I can't find my headphones. I'm so upset.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, yeah. So, fun fact. Laura gave me these headphones.


I know, because I didn't want you to look like a wired.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. She hooked me up. She was like, "You, Sheila, this is embarrassing." She was embarrassed for us.


I know.

Sheila Bella:

When I was wearing my black Bose headphones, and I was like, "Oh my gosh, do I look like a real influencer now?"


You do.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, not influencer status, Laura.



Sheila Bella:

Or else Tracy's calling you out.


I'm going crazy. I wonder where they are. I thought those were mine, but I guess, I don't know. I have to find them. I think they're somewhere in a backpack or something.

Sheila Bella:

Probably. I gave you yours.


That's why I gave you personalized ones, with your name.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, to outdo me?



Sheila Bella:

Oh, just can't beat you. I can't beat you Laura. Okay, so we'll do another podcast together, just you and I. But just for everyone right now, since we're on a schedule, who are you? What is your job at PRB?



Sheila Bella:

What are your jobs?


I am-

Sheila Bella:

Brace yourself.


... I'm Laura. I think a lot of people know me because we basically, it was me and you, from scratch. We started, I feel like you said one day to me, "Hey, let's start PRB." Like, "What is that? What is that?"

Sheila Bella:

What is that?


"I think we can do this together, I know it." And I was like, "Oh, this is so exciting." So it's been an amazing two, three year journey that we started PRB from scratch, and it's been the best thing ever in my life. It's so cool. So I am now the COO of Sheila Bella Pretty Rich. It's pretty cool. If you don't know what COO means, it's Chief of Operations. So I'm basically your right hand. I've just got to make sure our oil, and our motor's running, and keeping all our crazy ladies in check. So, I feel so fortunate, honestly. It's the best spot to be on.

Sheila Bella:

Aw, man. I don't know what I'd do without you girl, don't make me cry. I can't cry right now. I can't cry, my makeup's too good.


Good thing I have small eyes so you can't tell.

Sheila Bella:

You don't have small eyes.


Oh, is that a bad thing to say?

Sheila Bella:

No, sorry. You don't have small eyes. Okay, Laura does everything you guys. She's like an octopus. She'll cover a lot of different areas. Because her and I started this together, it was just her and I, and I was like, "Hey, I have this idea." And actually the idea has evolved, so many times, in different ways. Now, we like this one. We're keeping this one, we're not changing it, we're just going harder for 2021.


Yeah, I'm like, "Sheila, stop changing the brand colors." This time I'm like, "Yes, I love these brand colors."

Sheila Bella:

I just added something, don't worry I didn't change it, I just added something.



Sheila Bella:

I drive her crazy. And sometimes, I just tell you to fix it.


Yeah. It's like, "I don't care, just fix it." You fix it. No-

Sheila Bella:

Just fix it.


... it's an awesome, we always joke around like we don't have time for sex, because we're work wifies. We used to have more time where we could interact and just have more fun with each other.

Sheila Bella:

Have a heart to heart. Right, lunches, whatever that is now.


Yeah, now it's just blah, blah, blah, okay, bye. We've got to do this, bye.

Sheila Bella:

I don't even say good morning, and she gets so upset.


Yeah. Like come on, tell me a good morning. Don't wake me up, "Hey, we've got to fix this, the building's exploding."

Sheila Bella:

Facts don't care about your feelings, so now I say, "Good morning, get the F out of bed, we've got to go."


Yeah. Yeah. Honestly, it's a very awesome relationship. I think we're both on the same level where we're grateful that we can be so honest with each other. Like, "You were mean." "Oh, I'm sorry, I just had to."

Sheila Bella:

I was mean. I had to, you were pissing me off.


Yeah. You were upsetting. So it's pretty cool.

Sheila Bella:

It is. Communication is everything. Because the reason why Laura and I get along is because we've fought. It's all about the recovery.


Yeah. We've never had, it's not like-

Sheila Bella:

Oh, I've been upset with you.


... we fought that we had to make up, but-

Sheila Bella:

I've been upset with you.


We've fought on a daily. Well, maybe not on a daily basis, but we just-

Sheila Bella:

That one time.


... we constantly fight, so we're able to, what you say bounce back, because yeah, we're able to just be honest with each other all the time.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, I like that. I like that. Yeah, and also we have a busting balls relationship, which is nice. So when I say, "I love you," and I mean it, she gets like, "Oh my gosh."


Tiger mom said I love you.

Sheila Bella:

I get it from my mom.



Sheila Bella:

Okay, let's get on to the question. So, what's your favorite quote of the moment?


Okay. It's because I'm reading... wait-

Sheila Bella:

I knew you were going to pick a Ryan Holiday quote. I knew you were going to do it. Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday.



Sheila Bella:

I was actually going to pick a quote by Ryan Holiday. Go ahead, I'm going to add more highlighter.


No, I actually love it. So, "Man does not simply exist, but always decides what his existence will be."

Sheila Bella:

Oh, wow.


I love this one just because it keeps me in check of being conscious of every single moment.

Sheila Bella:



You can just switch it-

Sheila Bella:

You choose.


... so it's all about perceptive. Yeah, you choose.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, it's true.


Yeah, you make it what you want to be. If you're sad, if you're whatever, you have the power to switch it in the next moment.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, what's such a good book you guys. Ryan Holiday, The Obstacle Is The Way.


I actually have it here in my bedroom.

Sheila Bella:

Right there. Shameless plug. No, it's great.



Sheila Bella:

It's great. What is one thing you're going to try to do better this year, or a goal you want to hit?


One thing that I'm being very, that I'm putting all my balls in is to be a better leader. And a big part of being a better leader is to handle my emotions better. I have a great boss who teaches me little tips and tricks here and there. Like detaching, so I'm able to see things clearer, it's a big one for me. So yeah, I want to constantly be a better human and a better leader right now, since I'm in this super fortunate spot in life where we're able to support so many people and service people.

Sheila Bella:

It's true.


I think from the bottom of my heart that our company really serves from-

Sheila Bella:

A genuine place.


... because we truly care.

Sheila Bella:



And it starts in our foundation. So I really love our team, and I've got to be a better person for them, so that we can provide better support for everyone.

Sheila Bella:

Oh my gosh. See, and your girls hear you say that and they're like, "Okay, fine. I'll listen, I support that." Good leaders are humble, so ah, I love you. Okay, what is something that being a part of this team has taught you?


Yeah, I told the girls this the other day, and it doesn't come from you wouldn't be here, I don't see it as you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me, but mostly just being conscious that we wouldn't be here without another human being. It's not coming from a place of arrogance, but it's coming more from a community perspective. That's what this team has taught us, because we've been able to build this, I call it like a car motor, where we're all so connected and if something's not working it just will not function.

Sheila Bella:



We wouldn't be here without each other.

Sheila Bella:

We really wouldn't.


I wouldn't be here without the opportunity you brought to the table one day, and you sat me in your bed and you told me, "Hey, I have this for you. I have this great idea, are you on board or not?" The girls wouldn't be here, like I said not coming from an arrogant place, but they wouldn't be here if we didn't like them in the interview, if we wouldn't have picked them. So we're just all so connected.

Sheila Bella:



Our students wouldn't be where they are without finding us, so we just all connect.

Sheila Bella:



That's what I love about this team, and that's what has taught me that if we're intentional about our connections and the place that we're at, we can make much better things out of it.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. I totally hear you, and that's something that I feel like has been apparent to me for several years. We would not be here without each other. We wouldn't be here without Jhasmine, we wouldn't be here without Brie, we wouldn't be... Every part plays a role. I could not, I would have to do that job. We are so fortunate, and without business model, with our company, it's so apparent. Even Lynn, who's our nanny, plays a huge role in this. I could not do this if she wasn't, like who's watching the kids?


Yeah, yeah.

Sheila Bella:

And also, and Sylvia is such a good example I think. It's like a utopia. For the time that you are here, I always tell the girls, you don't owe me anything, you don't have to die at this job. But for the time that you are here, I want you to be all in because we need you. Let's make it work for you. It's like Burning Man. I've never been to Burning Man, but so I hear.


We should.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, maybe next year. Maybe next year.



Sheila Bella:

Okay, I think that's the last question.



Sheila Bella:

That's the last question. Okay, you're free to go. You have things to do?



Sheila Bella:

Okay. Okay, bye.



Sheila Bella:

See you later.


How do I leave?

Sheila Bella:

Oh, I'll kick you out, don't worry.


Okay, thank you.

Sheila Bella:

Okay, last one. Last one is baby Brie. Oh my gosh. First of all, I hope she looks like how she looked yesterday, because she looked so gorgeous yesterday. Oh, there she be. Okay, here we go. Boom. Is she wearing the bangs? Is she wearing the bangs? Ah, no bangs.



Sheila Bella:

You still look gorgeous.


I couldn't decide. I was like, "Nah, I don't think I'm going to do the bangs there."

Sheila Bella:

Oh, man. But you still look so pretty.


Thank you, thank you. So do you, as always.

Sheila Bella:

She always shows us up. Girl, you saw me. You saw me yesterday. Hi Brie. So, introduce yourself to everybody.


Hi guys, my name is Brie. I am in sales, and I'm in customer relations.

Sheila Bella:



Yeah, sales and communication, that's me.

Sheila Bella:

Yep. I know, she is so fricking pretty.


Thank you.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, guys you know when you get emails and stuff like that, when you send applications, they go through Brie. So everything communications is Brie at the moment. So, tell everybody, what is your favorite quote right now?


One of my favorite quotes right now, it's just simple, but it's, "Success is a series of small wins." Because people keep thinking that you can have the success right away, like why don't we just do one little thing here and it's just going to happen. No, you have to keep doing those little, small things, and it'll eventually add up to exactly where you wanted to be.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, yeah. Compound interest, so success is basically a bunch of tiny wins. Oh my gosh, that's what Jhas was saying, it's like you're 1% closer to your goal. Oh my gosh. And I think when that dawned on me it changed my habits, and I realized I needed to implement success habits every single day, or else this thing that I was just thinking of, that was on my vision board, was never going to happen.



Sheila Bella:

What is one thing you're going to try to do better this year, or a goal?


Really, I feel like my goal is just to let other people's energy not affect me so much. Because I was really good at doing that before. Just the littlest energy, like if somebody had that bad attitude, I'd be like, "Oh," and then I'd instantly feel that, and I'd take that on and I would take on their energy and keep projecting that. I'm learning now, with this, to just let go of that, not think of other people's opinions so much, no worry about that and just do exactly what I need to do to get to where I want to be.

Sheila Bella:

Ah, that's so hard to do. It's so important, and it's also so hard to do.


Yeah, it can be.

Sheila Bella:

But it does get easier.


It really does.

Sheila Bella:



It's been crazy even just from the start of... starting with you to now, just the little changes that I make. Because I even told you before, I was watching a video and started just implementing some of the small things with that. It's made a huge change as to how my day even just goes.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, yeah. You watched the Slay Your Day video on the vault?



Sheila Bella:

She texted me right away, and she was like, "Sheila, what is this?"


I love it.

Sheila Bella:

It's a [crosstalk 00:51:09].


I feel like every single person needs to watch this, you have to.

Sheila Bella:

It's the way I get through. It's the only way I get through the day. I love that. So again, we have a theme here, it's about detaching. And making sure that the story that you tell to yourself about yourself, your conviction of that story needs to be steel.



Sheila Bella:

This is who I am. So when another person tells you a story about who you are, you can't be effected. And you know what? Sorry mom. I think when I was younger, when my mom, I love her, when my mom used to say things about my outfit or something like that, it got to me so much. And that's really hard, because that's your mom. It just go to me. I couldn't let it go. It just really got to me. And I realized other people's opinions got to me as well, but hey your mom, that's going to get to you. She'll always be your mom, right?


Yeah. Yeah.

Sheila Bella:

And the older I get, the more secure I am in my outfit choices. I just really, I think that if you are so secure in your decisions and who you are, you're really not going to give a shit.


Yeah, and like you said, you just won't be shaken by somebody being like, "Oh, what is she wearing?" Like, what I want to wear.

Sheila Bella:



You feel more confident in yourself, just in general.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, and you realize... I actually think one of the marks of becoming an adult is when a parent tells you something that doesn't sit well with you, and you're not as affected as before. You're like, "That was an opinion."


I can move on, it's cool. That's just how you feel today.

Sheila Bella:

Okay. Okay, great. Thank you for voicing that, I'll consider it. Okay.



Sheila Bella:

But I used to get all-


Like, "I can't believe that they would actually say that, they had the nerve." It's like, I really don't what you-

Sheila Bella:

Yeah, it sits with you forever. So anyway, I love that. And it's so true with people in general. People you work with, just anybody.



Sheila Bella:

Okay, so what is something that being a part of this team has taught you?


Basically, honestly to just not be afraid to take those small chances. Because when I first even started with this, I thought, "I'm not ever going to get a job like this, there's no way I could have a job like this." And then it just happened, I'm like, "Really? Me? Sheila Bella wants me? Oh, okay." From there, I was just like, "Okay, maybe if I start taking more of these little chances, and just keep going for things, then I'll start seeing where I want to be." Because its like when you take those little chances, you'll be surprised where you can find yourself in a month, or three months, or a year from now. Before, I was just, like Jhas once called me, "You're being such a grinch." And that's the thing, I used to be kind of a grinch about stuff. It just wasn't going to happen for me, things just aren't going to go my way.


No, literally. When I saw that job, when you popped up on there, I was like, "Let me just do it. Let me just see what happens." And here we are, and I love it. I'm on an amazing team full of people, like everybody else said, we all support each other, and it's amazing and I love it.

Sheila Bella:

Aw, we love you. Oh, I love Jhas giving hard stuff. I love it, I love that you guys are able to call each other out when you're being grinches. That is so healthy. That's healthy. If you can't do that for your friends, are they even really your friends?


It's good.

Sheila Bella:

If you can't do that, and talk it out with them. Yeah, if you want a relationship to last, you've got to be able to say it like it is and handle it, really. I love that, and what was I going to say? Oh, the universe rewards risk.



Sheila Bella:

The person that risks the most just wins.


Yeah, it's true.

Sheila Bella:

It's actually that simple.


It's true though. If you just take a chance at what you want, just go for it. The worst that's going to happen is a no at that time. And you can keep trying if you want to, or move on to the next thing. It's not the end of the world if one little chance doesn't go the way that you want it to.

Sheila Bella:

Yeah. Oh, I love it. Thank you so much Brie. Jess, do you want to pop on? I'm going to request. Thanks Brie, have a great day. I'll chat with you later.



Sheila Bella:

Let me see if Jess wants to pop on. Bye. Okay, we have a little bit of... oh, I got a request, from Jessica Bennett. Here we go. Waiting for Jessica Bennett.


Ah, I made it.

Sheila Bella:

You did. You did.


Awesome. How was your gym sesh?

Sheila Bella:

It was awesome, got my endorphins, health is wealth, starting 2021 off right. Oh, man. I saw you squatting this morning-


I had some pre-workout, as you can see.

Sheila Bella:

... at our morning meeting and I was like, "Aw, that looks like it feels good to be able to do. That looks good." Okay, so I'm going to take you through the same questions as everybody else. Who are you, what is your job at PRB? Question one.


Well, my name is Jessica Bennett, hello everyone. And I don't like the word job, but my position in PRB-

Sheila Bella:



... my position, I am an advisor.

Sheila Bella:

The royal [viseux 00:57:36].


Yes, I am an advisor. So I feel like I have the best position ever, because I get to connect with other entrepreneurs, I get to help them strategize their business, and I get to learn a lot from talking to these people. So I'm really grateful for my position in the company.

Sheila Bella:

I love it. True, I hear you on that. Favorite quote of the moment? I'm sure you have a lot, whatever's on your wall.


I have a lot. They're everywhere.

Sheila Bella:



The quote that [inaudible 00:58:16], and the reason why, sorry I don't know if I'm-

Sheila Bella:

Oh, you cut out.


... showing right, but it's kind of-

Sheila Bella:

Can you say that again?


... yes. Let me, okay.

Sheila Bella:

Are you in that part of your house that doesn't have good wifi? Why are you there on a live?


I honestly, we have two different WiFi's, so I think I might be connected to the wrong one. Can you hear me [inaudible 00:58:40].

Sheila Bella:

Okay. You're lagging a little.



Sheila Bella:

It sounded like a good quote to, excellent something. It was excellent something. Excellence. You know that's a good quote when it starts with that. Excellence is blah, blah, blah. Okay, so while Jess is loading, I want you guys to tell us in the comments, what are some of your favorite quotes, or any books that you might be reading right now.


Okay, okay.

Sheila Bella:

Are you-


Am I back?

Sheila Bella:

Yeah you're back. Did you connect to the better wifi?


I connected to the other wifi, so hopefully this is better.

Sheila Bella:

Okay. Okay, awesome.


And I can move somewhere with more lighting. But what I was saying is the quote that I'm currently living by right now is, "Excellence is a commitment to completion." The reason why that is the quote that I'm living by right now is because I am a young entrepreneur, and I like to see what I'm good at before I make a commitment to something. But what I have found, and I learned this by seeing a meme, is there was a meme that I saw with two people. One person on this side is digging a hole, the person on this side is also digging, but he's digging multiple holes. So the person on this side has been digging the same hole, he's spending all his time digging that, and then the person on this side will dig a couple feet, go to the next hole, dig a couple feet. And the same time and energy that's spent-

Sheila Bella:

Oh my gosh.


... this person gets all the way to the gold, and then this person just has a bunch of incomplete holes. So, when excellence is a commitment to completion, it's just focused on doing one thing, getting the result that you want, before starting something else. That's my focus for this year.

Sheila Bella:

Bam. And after our talks together, yeah that makes sense. You mean to tell me I could have saved hours on the phone with you and just sent you a meme? Just kidding.


For some reason, I like to learn things that hard way.

Sheila Bella:

Oh my God. Well, you know what? What I was telling you too is that you're young. You have the luxury of not knowing, it's fine.



Sheila Bella:

Right? Life is long. Gary V always says that. Guys, life is long.


Yeah, for sure.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, that's awesome. What's one thing you're going to try and be better at this year? I know you already said it because it was tied to your quote, but is there something else?



Sheila Bella:

You just want to elaborate?


One thing I would like to get better at, or one thing that I would like to improve on is my attitude of gratitude. That's the thing that I have been focusing on a lot, and I feel like with being in the beauty industry, it's very easy to compare yourself. Or just being on social media, whether you're in the industry or not, whether you're an entrepreneur or not, there is a lot of room for comparison.

Sheila Bella:

True. True that.


I feel like a lot of that comparison stems from not fully being grateful for what you have currently. And I believe that gratitude is like looking at your life and just realizing how lucky and blessed you are to have even woken up this morning. Or for me, I was reflecting last night, and I've been very emotional the past couple days, and I couldn't figure out why. But I just would cry at the drop of a hat, which isn't that unlikely for me, I'm an emotional person, I'm a woman. But I was thinking about it and everyone's been posting their 2020 reflections, and I posted one too. I feel like as I was reflecting on 2020, I realized, "Holy crap, how luck am I, how grateful am I, how blessed am I that I didn't have to go without anything last year."

Sheila Bella:



A lot of people lost a lot last year. They lost their income, people lost their business, people lost-

Sheila Bella:

Family members.


... loved ones. Yeah.

Sheila Bella:



Family. And looking back, I just realized oh my God, here I am beating myself up because I didn't hit my big income goals, and I didn't progress in the way that I wanted to. But when you change your perspective on it it's like, okay, maybe I didn't have all that material wealth that I set out for, but I have wealth in so many different areas of my life. I want to focus more on what I have, rather than what I don't have. Even though setting goals is important-

Sheila Bella:



... I believe there's a difference between having a goal and wanting something, and obsessing over it and thinking, "Oh my God, I don't have this, why don't I have this? I'm so upset that I don't have this." When you can just be like, "Hey, I don't have this, I'm working towards it, but look at all the stuff that I do have." And the stuff that I do have is more than enough for me to feel grateful while I'm pursuing that next level.

Sheila Bella:



So that's my focus for this year.

Sheila Bella:

Great difference.



Sheila Bella:

Speaking of which, you said that you need to have more of an attitude of gratitude.



Sheila Bella:

Tell me, did that spark your inspiration for creating the gratitude journal that's on sale right now, through Jessica Bennett's linked in bio?


Yes. Well, I'm glad you asked Sheila. It did. It honestly did. And the reason why is because I've been doing gratitude journals for a couple of years now, and they have just absolutely transformed my life. I think that it's an important part of your morning, to focus on what you're grateful for and have that good energy in the morning. So, I have experienced a couple of different gratitude journals, I've used a couple different ones, and ultimately I'm a very picky person. You'll know if I don't like something, I'm very picky. So I decided, instead of trying to find something that I really liked, why not make one? That's how I created my gratitude journal. Also, because a lot of people throughout 2020, because I started posting a lot more about my gratitude journal, or the routine that I had in the morning, and I got a lot of questions. People would just DM me like, "Hey, which journal are you using? What do you do for your morning routine?" And here I am sending them a link for someone else's journal.


I don't mind, it's abundance, right? I was using it. So I'm sending them links to other journals, but then I was like, "Dang, if people are asking me, why can't I just send them the link to my journal?"

Sheila Bella:



So I made one, and let me show you guys. It's pretty-

Sheila Bella:

Show us.


... it's pretty cute. Let me see, where's she at, where's she at?

Sheila Bella:

I ordered one, and I have to say it's really well done Jess.


Thank you.

Sheila Bella:

I'm really, really impressed. So show us the gratitude journal in good lighting and good wifi.


Okay. Here's the cover.

Sheila Bella:

Awesome. Yah.


It says, "Your guide to gratitude." It contains, on each page, the little prompts, little daily writing activities.

Sheila Bella:

That's awesome.


There's a place for you to write your gratitude, your positive affirmations, to set an intention for the day, and also to keep you focused on your goals. Because when you read and write your goals every single day-

Sheila Bella:

So cool.


... they are at the forefront of your attention. You know what you're working towards that day.

Sheila Bella:



So, there's a little space for you to write what's the results you're going to generate for today, and your long term goals. Because obviously to get to your long term goals, it's a compilation of the little goals that you hit every single day.

Sheila Bella:



So keeping that at the forefront of your attention, and then also there's a space for an evening reflection. So at the end of the day, I come back into my journal, and I look at what I wrote in the morning, and I reflect. Did I reach the goals that I set for myself today.

Sheila Bella:



Or how did I feel today? Did I align to my intentions, things like that.

Sheila Bella:

That's great.


And then there's also, once a week you get a writing prompt. There's a mantra and then there's a writing prompt. All of these writing prompts are really just to get you focused on what's important to you, how can you improve yourself, how can you be more tenacious with your goals, and all that fun stuff. And then there's some little empty, blank pages in the back for notes.

Sheila Bella:

That's so good.


So yeah, this is my gratitude journal.

Sheila Bella:

That's everything you need.


Yeah. And it was such a fun process to make this. I've never made a product before, and these are hand made. My amazing friend Diane, at Simply By Diane, she actually, this is her handwriting.

Sheila Bella:

That is so cool, no way.


Yeah, so all of it, the font that it's written in, it's her handwriting. So it's very customized, my whole heart was put into this. I'm really excited about it, so if you guys need a good gratitude journal.

Sheila Bella:

What's the website?


Jessica Bennett, Bennett is B-E-N-N-E-T-T, it's my handle, jessicabennettco.com.

Sheila Bella:

Guys, for those of you listening to audio version of this, I'm going to link that in the show notes of this podcast. I love it.



Sheila Bella:

It's so succinct. A lot of times when I get journals or planners for the year, there's too many spaces I don't even care about. But those are the only things that I would care about.


Right. Same.

Sheila Bella:

I love it. By the way you guys, who thinks we sound alike? Because one time I was listening to a recording of Jess, and I was passing by, and my family was like, "Are you listening to your own podcast?" And then I was like, "No, but I thought I was," because I do think we sound alike.


Monkey see, monkey do. You attract who you are.

Sheila Bella:

Last question, before we get going. What is something that being a part of the Pretty Rich Bosses team has taught you?


A lot. I have learned so much from being in this company. Mainly just teamwork. I feel like that's the biggest thing, because I have been a solo entrepreneur for three years, where it's just me, myself and I. I started out as a lash artist, and I didn't have anyone else that I had to worry about, or consider, or talk to. So really, just working as a team, that has been one of the biggest... the best experience for me in this company is being able to work in a team where we're all working together. It's not competitive at all, when one of us wins the other ones are winning too. We're all intertwined, and it's really just given me... it's crazy because I talk to you guys every single day, we're so close, but we're all in different parts of the country.

Sheila Bella:

I know, yeah.


So we're never actually together, but it feels like we're so close.

Sheila Bella:



So I think another thing that I've really gotten from being in this company is having that sense of family, and knowing that I have a tribe that has my back, and we all support each other, and we all are just working towards the same goal. It's just taught me also how I want my business to look one day. I want this kind of culture, and it's been just honestly, all in all, inspiration. That's what I've gotten from this and from working with you.

Sheila Bella:

Oh, you inspire me so much. Guys, isn't she awesome? Give Jessica a follow. Glad we saved you for last, we didn't plan it.


Yeah. It all worked out.

Sheila Bella:

It did. And grab her gratitude journal, and when you do, when you get it, go ahead and re-post it and tag us, we'd love to see it.


Yes. And also, since we're talking about goals and everything.

Sheila Bella:



And since I have the time right now, if any of you are watching this and you are an entrepreneur, or an employee, or if you're just someone who has goals, or who wants to have goals, I am actually going to be hosting a 2021 goal setting workshop on Tuesday.

Sheila Bella:

What? No way. How much? Tell us how much it costs.



Sheila Bella:




Sheila Bella:

You're kidding. Oh my gosh, sign me up.


We did one a week ago, and it was amazing, and there were a few people who couldn't make it to that workshop, so I was like, "You know what? Let's just have a whole nother one." There's a statistic that I read when I was preparing for that workshop. 92% of New Year's goals fail by January 15th. That's a stat, I didn't make that up.

Sheila Bella:

January 15th.


So, if you do not want to be part of that statistic, make sure you-

Sheila Bella:



... register for my workshop. It is free, we're going to dive into the step by steps of how to create your goals using the SMART goals categories.

Sheila Bella:



I know you talked about that yesterday on your live, so we're going to dive into that. It's interactive, you guys are going to walk out of there not only with having your goals set and specific, but also with accountability so that you don't end up being part of that 92% statistic.

Sheila Bella:

Oh my gosh. This is awesome. So tell us where to go. How do we sign up for that?


There is a link in my bio on my Instagram page where you can register, you just need to put your name, email, phone number and you'll be registered, and you're going to be sent the Zoom link. It's going to be on Zoom, so it's a great way for you to interact, get to know other people in our industry, other entrepreneurs, network in there, and also just make sure that you guys are set up for success for 2021.

Sheila Bella:

Love it. Love it you guys. And for those of you just listening to the audio, we're going to definitely put a link to that in the show notes. Yay.



Sheila Bella:

Okay, awesome. Jess, you're amazing. You truly do inspire me. You're such a joy, I frigging love you. Oh my gosh.


Oh, you make me cry.

Sheila Bella:

You really do, you really do.


I love you too, and I'm so grateful for opportunities that have come with knowing you and working with you, so thank you so much.

Sheila Bella:

Aw, see Philippino power right there. Just kidding. Okay you guys. Dang, this was a good live. I thought it was going to be like 30 minutes, nope. Guys, thank you so much. I hope everybody has a blessed and happy new year. Go get Jessica's gratitude journal and sign up for her goal setting workshop, because you don't want to be part of that 92%.


Nope, you don't.

Sheila Bella:

All right everybody. Have a great day. Have a good weekend.


Peace and blessings. Bye.

Sheila Bella:

We'll see you later. Peace.

Sheila Bella:

Hey, thank so much for listening to today's episode of Pretty Rich Podcast. If you want to continue the conversation longer, check me out on Instagram, it's my favorite place to connect with you guys, @realsheilabella. I'm happy to answer any of your questions, or simply to chat and get to know you better. And if you end up doing something super awesome, like screen shotting this episode and re-posting it on your stories, that would put the biggest smile on my face. Don't forget to tag me. I appreciate every share and love feedback from my listeners.


Also, do you have my number? Do you have my number? Because if we're going to keep hanging out, you should probably have my number. So you can actually text me, that's right you can text me at 310-388-4588. And if you're sick and tired of doing business alone and you're interested in accelerating your success by hiring a business coach or joining our mentorship program called Pretty Rich Bosses, go ahead and just apply. Why not? Check it out, go to sheilabella.com/apply and we'll schedule a free strategy session with either myself or one of my advisors. And of course, I've got to include my kids. So here to send us off are Beau and Grey. Grey, say, "Share with your friends."


Share with friends.

Sheila Bella:

Please review my mommy on iTunes.


Review mommy iTunes.

Sheila Bella:

Thanks for listening.


Thank you for listening.

Sheila Bella:

Hey Beau, can you tell everybody what our family motto is?


Yeah. I can do hard things.

Sheila Bella:

I can do hard things. Good job buddy.


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